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Kevin Drum 🕸

Don’t believe everything you see on the internet

3 weeks 3 days ago
This tweet was posted a few days ago: Half of U.S. homeowners and renters (49.9%) sometimes, regularly or greatly struggle to afford their housing payments—and many are making big sacrifices to cover their costs, per Redfin and Axios: pic.twitter.com/pFLPhLuOEl — unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) April 15, 2024 Matt Darling reposted it but then added: These numbers are ...continue reading "Don’t believe everything you see on the internet"
Kevin Drum

Home sales fall in March

3 weeks 3 days ago
Sales of existing homes took a big tumble last month: That's a 4.3% decline from February. However, even though these numbers are seasonally adjusted, it looks like every year sales peak in January or February and then drop off the following month. So this might just be normal seasonal behavior.
Kevin Drum

Illegal immigration remains steady yet again in March

3 weeks 4 days ago
CBP released border numbers last Friday and they were once again about the same as last month: Total encounters in February came to 189,000, of which 44,000 were migrants who made appointments for asylum through CBP's mobile app. The number apprehended crossing illegally was 137,000.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

3 weeks 4 days ago
Look at this cute little guy. It's a peninsular pronghorn, and he looks like he wants me to offer him a bit of kibble or something. Sadly, I don't know what pronghorns eat, peninsular or otherwise. Plus I didn't have any food anyway. And the zoo doesn't want you to feed the animals. The deck ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Donald Trump and the policies of personal pique

3 weeks 4 days ago
It's remarkable how many of Donald Trump's policy positions are driven by personal pique: He opposes aid to Ukraine because they resisted his extortion attempts in 2019 and got him impeached. He hates wind turbines because they ruined the view from one of his Scottish golf courses. He wants to repeal Obamacare because President Obama ...continue reading "Donald Trump and the policies of personal pique"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Part-time employment

3 weeks 4 days ago
Part-time work has been steadily decreasing since the end of the Great Recession, but at the end of last year it suddenly started to spike: I'm not sure what to make of this, if anything.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

3 weeks 5 days ago
It's April and we've had a lot of rain this year, so I figured I should go out and take some pictures of the local wildflowers. They are pretty much the same wildflowers as always, but they're new pictures of the same old wildflowers. This one is a white morning glory, also known as a ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

The global economy is becoming more fragmented

3 weeks 5 days ago
A team of researchers says the global economy is becoming more fragmented: To measure this phenomenon, we introduce an index of geopolitical fragmentation distilled from diverse empirical indicators. To do so, we rely on the use of a flexible, dynamic factor model with time-varying parameters and stochastic volatility. Then, we employ structural vector autoregressions and ...continue reading "The global economy is becoming more fragmented"
Kevin Drum

I acknowledge that pro-life folks think abortion is murder. I just don’t believe it.

3 weeks 6 days ago
Madeleine Kearns says this about abortion over at National Review: The pro-life side can afford to acknowledge the best pro-choice arguments — a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, the intense difficulties an unplanned pregnancy can cause, the asymmetry of reproduction between the sexes, etc. They have counter-arguments for each of them. But the pro-choice side ...continue reading "I acknowledge that pro-life folks think abortion is murder. I just don’t believe it."
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

3 weeks 6 days ago
For reasons of geometry, there aren't a lot of nebulas visible in spring. But there are plenty of galaxies around, which is why it's called galaxy season. Unfortunately, I've already taken pictures of most of the galaxies big enough to capture with my telescope, so there's not much to do in spring. Last year I ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

There is no maternal mortality crisis. The CDC needs to stop saying there is.

3 weeks 6 days ago
From Anna North at Vox: Over the last 30 years, nearly every wealthy country in the world has made it much safer for people to have babies. Only one outlier has moved in the opposite direction: the United States, where the rate of people dying in childbirth continues, stubbornly and tragically, to rise. In 2021, ...continue reading "There is no maternal mortality crisis. The CDC needs to stop saying there is."
Kevin Drum