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Nomination deadline extended for 2023 Most Influential Business Women Awards

1 year 8 months ago
There is still time to make a nomination for the St. Louis Business Journal's 2023 Most Influential Business Women Awards program. The nomination deadline has been extended to Sunday, May 21. This program recognizes remarkable women who excel in their careers and make a big impact in their organizations and St. Louis communities. You can submit a nomination by clicking here. READ: Meet the 2022 class of Most Influential Business Women honorees When making a nomination, describe in detail…
Diana Barr

What you should do when a private equity firm offers to buy your business

1 year 8 months ago
If you own a successful privately-held business, it is possible you have received a call from a private equity firm telling you they have specifically targeted you and want to buy your business. You have heard now is a good or even great time to sell. The price they offer seems reasonable or even good. The buyer tells you they pay cash and can get it done quietly. “It will be quick, easy and fast. No need to shop the deal or talk to your lawyer, of course. We do this all the time.” What should…
David J. Kaufman and Nathan Viehl

This St. Charles aquatic facility has permanently closed

1 year 8 months ago
The St. Charles Parks and Recreation Department announced Wednesday that the McNair Aquatic Facility will permanently close. The decision came after "facing major functionality and infrastructure issues," according to the department's Facebook post. The latest issue was a "substantial leak" underneath the pool shell. The leak was capable of draining the 165,000-gallon pool in days unless it was continuously being filled. "Since the 2014 Aquatics Facility Audit leading to Prop P and rebuilding…
Alli Hebel