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BizJournal 💲📰

Green Street, dog bar resolve legal dispute

3 months 2 weeks ago
St. Louis developer Green Street and dog-friendly entertainment venue Bar K said Wednesday they’ve resolved a dispute regarding Bar K’s lease at Green Street’s development at 4565 McRee Ave. in the city’s Forest Park Southeast neighborhood.
Nathan Rubbelke

Half of Missourians have faced recent medical debt, survey finds

3 months 3 weeks ago
Two of every five Missouri adults owe money to medical providers, according to a survey published Tuesday by the St. Louis-based nonprofit Missouri Foundation for Health. Those debts include unpaid fees for services ranging from lab tests and doctors’ visits to emergency treatment and dental care. Often, the bills are from one-time or short-term medical expenses, the report states. One in ten Missouri residents have more than $5,000 in medical debt. The result is that Missourians with medical…
Clara Bates

City Justice Center commissioner on leave, status uncertain

3 months 3 weeks ago
There were new questions Tuesday night about the leadership at the City Justice Center after KSDK confirmed that director Jennifer Clemons-Abdullah is on leave. For months, St. Louis Board of Alderman members Rasheen Aldridge and Cara Spencer have been vocal about the situation at the City Justice Center. “We’ve been having a lack of transparency with some of the situations that have been going on in the jail,” Ward 14 Alderman Rasheen Aldridge said. “It’s clear that things aren’t…
Holden Kurwicki