a Better Bubble™

Dutchtown Movie Night #6-October 26th @ the Neighborhood Innovation Center

Dutchtown Movie Night at the Neighborhood Innovation Center

Our sixth season of family-friendly outdoor showings (movies TBD)

October 26th

2024 will mark the sixth year of Dutchtown Movie Nights!  Throughout the summer, we invite our neighbors to come watch movies under the stars for an evening of free, family-friendly entertainment on our 26-foot inflatable big screen.

• September and October at the Neighborhood Innovation Center

Sponsorships for all six Movie Nights start at $250 and include your name and/or logo on promotional materials, including social media posts and full-color movie posters
that get distributed across the Greater Dutchtown area.

Summer Blockbuster Sponsor: $1,000
Prior to each Movie Night, we’ll present your business or
organization’s prerecorded video during our “previews.”
Summer Blockbuster Sponsors’ videos can be up to three
minutes in length. Your organization’s name, logo, and
other information will also be prominently featured in our
pre-movie slideshow.

Silver Screen Sponsor: $500
Silver Screen Sponsors can present a short video up to
60 seconds long ahead of each movie. We’ll also include
your organization in the slideshow that continuously runs
ahead of the featured film.

Event Type: Community Event
When: Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 07:00 PM
Location: Neighborhood Innovation Center
Neighborhood: City-Wide
Ward: Many Wards
Admission: Free. Free to all who attend
Contact Phone: 314-265-9218