a Better Bubble™

Employees Retirement System Board of Trustees Meeting


Join Meeting Online at:  https://stlouis-mo-gov.zoom.us/j/89747214118

Meeting ID: 897 4721 4118 Passcode: 887005 One tap mobile +13092053325

  Item A -                Minutes of regular meeting of July 29, 2024;

  Item B -                Presentation by Granite Partners, LLC;

  Item C -                Approval of Pension Allowances;

  Item D -                Termination of Pension Allowances;

  Item E -               Termination of Drop participation;

  Item F -                Approval of DROP Allowances;

  Item G -                Approval of DROP Account Distribution;

  Item H -               Suspension of Pension Allowance;

  Item I -                 ArchitectNow Legacy DROP Rewrite (Third Supplemental Agreement);

  Item J -                Statement of investment fees and addendum for period ending June 30, 2024;

  Item K -                Statement of custody fees for quarter ending June 30, 2024;

  Item L -                Quarterly report of the Investment Consultant as of June 30, 2024;

  Item M -                Investment Consultant’s preliminary performance report for July 2024 along with Market Value as of

                                August  13,  2024;

Item N -                  Proposed budget for fiscal year ending September 30, 2025; (Not available at agenda deadline)

  Item O -               Vote in Open Session in order to hold a Closed Session in accordance with Section 610.021 of the Revised                                    Statutes of Missouri to discuss legal matters and matters of physical and mental health of members.

  Item P -                Other business which may come to the attention of the Board of Trustees.

Event Type: Meeting
When: Monday, August 26, 2024 at 01:30 PM
Location: Virtual Meeting
Neighborhood: City-Wide
Ward: Many wards
Admission: Free.
Contact Phone: (314) 622-3399