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Housing, UrbanDevelopment and Zoning Committee Meeting

This Board of Aldermen committee meeting will be held in person in the Kennedy Room 208 at the St. Louis City Hall. There will not be a Zoom Link. Public comment will be taken on the Board Bills listed below. A sign in sheet will be available for those who wish to make public comment. There is no pre-registration to speak. Rules for speaking are outlined below.

COVID Protocols

The Board of Aldermen continues to encourage observing COVID-19 safety protocols in the office and during in person meetings, when transmission rates are high. Those who wish to wear a mask are encouraged to do so. The wearing of a mask is optional.

You may watch the meeting live via the web @ www.stltv.net      

You may also watch the meeting live on Youtube@https://youtube.com/CityofStLouisMO    



On Charter Cable with digital box (Channel 992) 

On AT&T U-Verse Channel 99

Board of Aldermen Rule 34 - Public Hearing Procedures

After the presentation of a bill, resolution, or topic for discussion by City Officials or invited guests at a Committee Meeting, the proponents and the opponents of said bill or resolution shall be heard alternately, and public comment on the topic for discussion shall be heard. If the hearing is set in person, all persons who wish to testify at a public hearing shall sign a list which shall be made available by the Chair of the Committee at least one-half hour before the announced time of the hearing. If the hearing is held via electronic communication, all persons who wish to testify may, but are not required to sign up in advance. Registered persons shall be called upon first, followed by participants who request to testify during the hearing.

The initial presentation of any witness shall be no longer than five minutes except with the permission of the Committee Chair, but any witness may respond to questions by members of the Committee for an additional period of time to be determined by the Committee Chair; and any witness may submit written testimony to the Committee at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing on the bill.

Written Comments

Written comments to be shared with members of the Board may be emailed to the Board of Aldermen Clerk - Mr. Terry Kennedy at: kennedyt@stlouis-mo.gov.  They may also be mailed through the US Postal Service or dropped off. They should be addressed to: Mr. Terry Kennedy, Clerk, St. Louis Board of Aldermen, St. Louis City Hall 1200 Market Street Room 230, St. Louis Mo. 63103.

Those with Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities, who may need sign language interpreters, written materials in alternative formats, or other accommodations should make a request to kennedyt@stlouis-mo.gov or call 314-589-6845 at least 48 hours before the meeting.

The committee will discuss and take public comment on the following: 

Event Type: Aldermanic Committee Meeting
When: Tuesday, November 07, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Location: St. Louis Board of Aldermen - City Hall
Neighborhood: City-Wide
Ward: Many wards
Admission: Free.
Contact Phone: (314) 622-3287