Unrestricted giving is uncommon in the traditionally bureaucratic realm of philanthropy. But it’s not unheard of, thanks to the way women generally have taken a radical, trust-based approach to giving.
The St. Louis County Library has been renovating or replacing 18 branches for the past decade. The event space at the new Clark Family branch at 1640 South Lindbergh Boulevard opened Saturday.
In the U.S., the number of AI-related undergraduate and master’s degrees awarded has increased by about 120%, and doctorates have risen by a third since 2011.
By Kyla Pehr, Zach Calder and Amarnath Karalikandi | Special to the Post-Dispatch
A bar owner who was handcuffed last year after a St. Louis police SUV crashed into his business filed suit Friday against the city and two police officers alleging assault, battery and negligence.
A popular local brewery has for years failed to make payments on a pair of loans and now owes two creditors more than $400,000, according to two recent lawsuits.