Javonn Nettles pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree murder and was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the deaths of Darrion Rankin-Fleming and his daughter, Dmyah Fleming.
Nearly four months after a fire gutted the north St. Louis cathedral-turned-skate park, its founders and stakeholders say a second coming for the building is on the way.
The money would pay for sheltering victims of domestic abuse, boost pay for child care workers and help community gardens provide fresh vegetables in food deserts, among other things.
Tattoo artist Azra Selimovic has opened her own luxury parlor in Affton, joining a trend of women tattoo artists and a business model experts say has gained in popularity.
The memorial in Grafton will depict life-size sculptures of U.S. Army Rangers scaling the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc, an important turning point on D-Day.