a Better Bubble™


L.A.’s Summer of Solidarity

10 months 3 weeks ago
Reaching across diverse backgrounds and kinds of work, thousands of union members are sharing strategy and stories of the struggle to live and work in Los Angeles.
Mark Kreidler

A Visit to Hallowed Ground

10 months 3 weeks ago
Today on TAP: Despite efforts by British Conservative governments to strangle it, the National Health Service remains a jewel of fair and efficient socialized medicine.
Robert Kuttner

Casablanca for Real

10 months 3 weeks ago
The Netflix series ‘Transatlantic,’ on the 1940-1941 rescue of refugees from Marseille, is well worth watching, and contrasting with the shameful neglect of refugees in 2023.
Robert Kuttner

Predatory Lending’s Prey of Color

10 months 3 weeks ago
Black and Latino borrowers are more likely to get trapped in cycles of debt, because they have few other options for dealing with structural poverty.
Ramenda Cyrus

A Spending Cap in Name Only

10 months 3 weeks ago
In our final X-Date, we note how Congress is already scheming to avoid restrictions on military spending.
David Dayen

False Equivalence

11 months ago
Today on TAP: Why does the mainstream media keep depicting lunatic-right Republicans and normal Democrats as equidistant from the center?
Robert Kuttner