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Anthem won't implement anesthesia coverage time limit

3 months ago
A controversial policy that would have limited insurance coverage on anesthesia is no longer going into effect in Missouri, Anthem Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield confirmed Thursday. The health insurance company previously announced it would be rolling out updated coverage in Missouri, New York, and the company's home state of Connecticut that would have capped anesthesia at an unstated time limit, leaving patients to pay out of pocket for any remaining anesthesia use. That change was set to take…
Hunter Bassler

Judge could allow Planned Parenthood to begin performing abortions Friday in Missouri

3 months ago
Missouri’s trigger law banning nearly all abortions remains in place. But at 12:01 a.m. Friday, Amendment 3 will go into effect. The constitutional amendment, which received 51.6% of the nearly 3 million votes cast, prohibits the legislature from regulating abortion prior to the point of fetal viability β€” generally seen as the point at which a fetus can likely survive outside the womb without extraordinary measures. Planned Parenthood officials said they have providers and staff prepared to…
Anna Spoerre