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The St. Louis American seeks journalists

2 years 6 months ago
Journalist positions vary from freelance contributors to full-time staff members with benefits. The St. Louis American seeks someone who works fast and writes clean, accurate, balanced stories. St. Louis American journalists will take assignments from the editor and develop sources,…

Meme of the day: Trump is a dangerous stain on humanity, but of course I’d still vote for him

2 years 6 months ago
Former attorney general William Barr illustrates a big problem for Democrats: Asked by NBC News' Lester Holt whether he considered Trump "responsible" for the violence at the Capitol, Barr said: "I do think he was responsible in the broad sense of that word, in that it appears that part of the plan was to send ...continue reading "Meme of the day: Trump is a dangerous stain on humanity, but of course I’d still vote for him"
Kevin Drum