a Better Bubble™


Hint of Progress Towards Phase One of Armory Residential

2 years 8 months ago

There’s a hint that residential by the Armory is proceeding. A permit application was submitted Jan 7th for the demolition of the south side of 3650 Market which could be to make way for the phase 1 building. The StL Business Journal reported in May that the first phase was 265 apartments and an estimated […]

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Richard Bose

Drive-thru Imo’s Proposed for East Loop

2 years 8 months ago

Imo’s is proposing a location at the corner of Delmar and DeGiverville in the Skinker DeBaliviere neighborhood near the Delmar Metrolink station. They purchased the property, 5956 Delmar, from Joe Edwards in May 2021 for $140,000 according to city property records. The single-story building would occupy the northeast portion of the parcel. A patio for […]

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Richard Bose