Historic Elsah Talk on The Semples of Elsah by George Provenzano
ELSAH - In 1852 at age 54, General James Semple (his Illinois Militia rank) moved his family from Vandalia to Jersey County, Illinois, and as he then said, “settled in the woods, at Jersey Landing,” a village Semple later renamed, Elsah. In this picturesque region of rolling hills and majestic bluffs, four miles from the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers, General Semple set about rebuilding his much depleted personal wealth. He purchased the valley in which Elsah Village was established and large tracts of forest and farm land on the bluffs above. He built a family home called Trevue (Tree View), and for the remaining 15 years of his life, this prairie entrepreneur successfully engaged in businesses in land development, freight transfer and farming. Before moving to Elsah, General Semple had abruptly abandoned a long career in public service. He was a life-long Democrat who served three terms in the Illinois House of Representatives; as a diplomatic minister