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Riverbender ๐Ÿ•ธ

Blackburn College Names Jody Sturgeon As New Dean Of Work

3 years 1 month ago
CARLINVILLE - Blackburn College has named Jody Sturgeon as the Marguerite Steffey Snyder Endowed Dean of Work. One of ten federally-recognized Work Colleges, Blackburn has the only program managed by a team of student leaders. In her role as the Dean of Work, Sturgeon will coach and mentor the Student Work Committee managing their peers and classmates while maintaining operations across 12 work departments. She will also serve as a key member and advisor on the President’s leadership team. For more than a century, Blackburn’s Work Program has added an incredible dimension to the traditional college experience. Established in 1913, the program began as a means to help reduce tuition costs and make higher education more affordable. Today, Blackburn students help plan and manage day-to-day operations on campus, fully recognizing that their success and the College’s success go hand-in-hand. In turn, Blackburn also offers tangible benefits, like four years of resume-building

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Supporting those Achieving Recovery through Sober Living

3 years 1 month ago
WEST FRANKFORT – Addiction is one of the hardest things a person might go through in their life. It can also be challenging for friends and loved ones to watch the people they love struggle with addiction. No one’s journey is the same when it comes to recovery, and that is why building a support system is a huge proponent in achieving and maintaining sobriety. Recovery is a unique learning process for those who are sober and for those who are supporting their loved one’s sobriety. “Go where you feel supported,” says Shane Kuhlman, Chief Psychology Officer at Centerstone, “Advocate for yourself and limit your contact or get away from people who don’t support you in your recovery.” Boundaries are essential for sober living—you can’t assume that everyone is aware or supportive of your sobriety so you need to make your needs known to those who want to be there for you and to disconnect from those who are unsupportive of your recovery.

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Sen. Durbin Reaffirms Support For Ukraine's Freedom To Chart Its Own Future

3 years 1 month ago
WASHINGTON – In a speech on the Senate floor, U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today reiterated that the United States stands with Ukraine and the surrounding countries against increasing Russian aggression. During his speech, Durbin reflected on the contributions of Ukrainian-Americans such as Sgt. Michael Strank, a Marine who fought in WWII and one of the Iwo Jima flag raisers. Durbin also condemned Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s actions, including ongoing belligerence against NATO allies in the Baltics and Poland. “The Ukrainian people have made it clear: They want to be free and independent, they want to chart their own future, they want to choose their own leaders in the elections that they conduct,” Durbin said. “This is the future that more than 92 percent of Ukrainians chose in a referendum in 1991, after Ukraine declared its independence from the crumbling and corrupt Soviet Union. But Russian President Vladimir Putin—the old

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Jersey County Highway Department: "Stay Home"

3 years 1 month ago
The Jersey County Highway Department offered motorists some advice as snow begins to accumulate at the start of Winter Storm Landon : stay home. “I really advise to stay home until we can get through these events that are going to be taking place,” said Thomas Klasner, county engineer with the Jersey County Highway Department. “My guys, I’ve talked to them. They said there’s hardly anybody out on the roads, so I mean, people are taking the advice of staying home.” In Jersey County, where snowfall was predicted to reach 12-18” , Klasner said the Highway Department has been working steadily to address the issue as much as possible - but drivers should still be careful if they have to venture out. “We’re actually out there plowing the roads as we speak to keep them open. The roads are passable, the county highways are passable from that standpoint,” Klasner said. “Snow’s not piled up on them - there i

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Sankofa Lecture Series Discusses "Challenges Of African American Genealogy"

3 years 1 month ago
EDWARDSVILLE – For the sake of some distinguishing factors like slave practices affecting African American lineage tracing, efforts towards researching their genealogy have been faced with challenging situations. An upcoming Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Sankofa Lecture and Dialogue Series presentation will examine the uniqueness of genealogy research and accompanying challenges. The ongoing series features robust conversations surrounding the history of slavery and its lasting legacies, and is organized through SIUE’s Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center, specifically its membership of the international Universities Studying Slavery (USS) consortium. Prince Wells III, associate professor in the Department of Music in the College of Arts and Sciences, will present “The Challenges of African American Genealogy” at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 2 via Zoom. Registration is available at https://siue.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Kwi9TYWpTS6pgM_OlkuQoQ

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Transit Riders Can Get A Free Day Pass For Posting A Selfie To Social Media On Valentine's Day

3 years 1 month ago
ST. LOUIS - Thousands of area residents rely on public transportation on a daily basis as it offers a safe, convenient, cost-effective, and relaxing means to get them where they need to go. To reinforce this message, Citizens for Modern Transit, Metro Transit, and St. Clair County Transit District are hosting a “Crushing on Transit” Valentine’s Day campaign, encouraging transit riders to take a selfie at a Transit Center or on board MetroLink, MetroBus or Metro Call-A-Ride on Monday, February 14, 2022, and post it to social media for the opportunity to receive a free day pass good for use on a future transit trip. The photo must be posted to either Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, and the rider must include #CrushingonTransit and #CMTSTL to be eligible. The partnering organizations will reach out via direct message to the first 200 transit riders who post a selfie to determine if each individual would like the free day pass valued at $5 to be mailed or uploaded to

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Storm Goes As Predicted: Snow Will Intensify As Day And Night Commence

3 years 1 month ago
ST. LOUIS - National Weather Service Meteorologist Jon Carney said early Wednesday that so far the winter storm has gone as the weather forecasters had envisioned. "I think it is about what we were expecting," he said this morning. "The forecast had mixed precipitation of sleet, snow, and ice before 6 a.m. Wednesday and that is what we received. Driving on the roads is not great from what we are hearing." Carney had been there throughout the night on the weather post. "The ice moved in from west to east about 2 a.m. to 3 a.m.," he said. "The forecast of snowfall looks at about 7 to 11 inches for your area. You will see two waves of snow, one this morning to early afternoon and shutting off about 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, and then will come back about 8 to 9 p.m. in the early evening. It will be overspread from the southwest. It will continue to Thursday." This is the updated National Weather Service in St. Louis forecast: Today Snow, mainly before 4 pm. Steady temperature

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Ryan & Emile's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
OUR LOVE STORY: The Couple: Ryan and Emile Schneider from Wood River Date Met/Started Dating: July 29, 2010 Briefly Describe First Date: It was a cliche first date at the movie theater. We watched The Other Guys. Date Married: July 19, 2014 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: Just about anything outdoors. Riding 4 wheelers, float trips, camping, hunting. Anything along those lines really. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Communicate but also comprehend. Also, be willing to listen with all of your attention. Just because something isn't a big deal to you doesn't mean it isn't to your spouse.

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Murray The Groundhog Will Not Have Chance To See Shadow In Alton This Year, But Possibly In 2023

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON - Murray the groundhog will not be out to see his shadow this year in Alton but should return in 2023. Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Great Rivers & Routes Tourism Bureau has canceled this year’s Groundhog Day gathering in Alton with hopes of resuming it in 2023. Stephanie Tate, marketing and communications director for Great Rivers & Routes, said with the strong winter storm predicted for Wednesday and Thursday, it is probably a blessing the event was canceled for this year. “We weren’t going to do it regardless of the weather, but it was mostly because of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” she said about the Groundhog Day cancellation. “We have a lot of kids who come and we really wanted to keep it safe for everybody. We are of course encouraging people to go to Tree House to see the groundhogs and we are looking forward to having something fun next year.” “The Groundhog Day event is so popular,” she added. “People just love

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Marshall & Molly's Love Story

3 years 1 month ago
OUR LOVE STORY: The Couple: Marshall and Molly Brase from Edwardsville Date Met/Started Dating: August 27, 1995 Briefly Describe First Date: Our first date was dinner at Pasta House on 8/27/1995 Date Married: March 2, 1996 Name Something You Enjoy Doing Together: We enjoy traveling, watching football games, and spending time with our kids. Share Advice For A Happy Relationship: Be flexible, be kind, and always be grateful. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth every minute.

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Help HSHS Home Care Illinois Collect Food Items for Local Food Pantry

3 years 1 month ago
O’FALLON — In recognition of February being National Canned Food Month, HSHS Home Care Illinois is holding their annual “Cram the Car” food drive this month for the Catholic Urban Program food pantry to help those struggling with food insecurity. Community members are invited to “cram” a Home Care car by donating non-perishable items. On Tuesday, Feb. 15, a HSHS Home Care Illinois branded car will be parked on the HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital campus at the main entrance canopy (blue “Hospital” sign) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. accepting donations. Some non-perishable items that the food pantry could use are: Pancake mix and syrup Jelly Canned fruit Pasta sauce Cereal Granola Sugar free canned fruit Low salt canned vegetables Large boxes of oatmeal …as well as any other non-perishable items. Canned fruits and vegetables are a good source of important nutrients. Select canned fruit that is packed in 100% juice or wate

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On This Snowy Groundhog's Day: The Truth About These Furry Forecasters

3 years 1 month ago
The Conversation - The groundhog has evolved into a winning combination of cute and ungainly. This burrowing squirrel may resemble a furry cube with a leg at each corner, but do not be deceived by its bumbling, hapless charms: this is a Nostradamus of the animal world. In North American folklore, the groundhog can apparently be used to foresee the future, as many a town in the US and Canada will vouch on February 2 as they celebrate Groundhog Day. Groundhogs are great diggers and spend much of their time hunkered down in their burrows – understandably since they feature in far too many food webs. They’re among nature’s “ true hibernators ”, and become fully dormant for much of the winter. This period, so the story goes, is broken on February 2 when they emerge from their burrows. For the human celebrants of Groundhog Day, everything depends on whether the animal is spooked by its own shadow. If it is cloudy, the hogs stay out and about and spring will com

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Sports And Tourism Development Top List Of Tourism 2022 Goals

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON - Two new employees have joined the Great Rivers & Routes Tourism Bureau team emphasizing the bureau’s commitment to developing a strong sports tourism program and growing outdoor recreation and Route 66 products in southwest Illinois. Jason Troop is the bureau’s first-ever Sports Tourism Marketing Manager. Joey Naples is the bureau’s Tourism Engagement and Outdoor Recreation Coordinator. “We are looking ahead to ways we can grow the region and sports tourism as well as outdoor recreation are key components to that growth,” Cory Jobe, President/CEO of the tourism bureau said. “We were able to find top-notch people to fill both of those positions and we look forward to bringing new sports tournaments, traditional and non-traditional sporting events and outdoor recreational opportunities to our rapidly growing region.” Troop has an extensive background in sports marketing and management. He joined the bureau from Wheeling, WV, where

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Marquette Catholic High School Has Traditional Snow Day On Wednesday

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON - Interim Principal Timothy J. Harmon sent out a message to parents and the media early this morning that Marquette Catholic High School will close for Wednesday, February 2, 2022, due to inclement weather. "Good morning Marquette families," he said. "We are having a 'traditional' snow day today. There will be no virtual learning today. Stay home and be safe. I will issue updates later this afternoon or evening. God bless. Thank you!" For the full list of school/community cancellations see below: https://www.riverbender.com/articles/details/area-schoolcommunity-cancellations-56421.cfm If you have a cancellation, e-mail news@riverbender.com or text (618) 623-5930.

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Granite City School District Superintendent Issues Info To Families, Public, About Storm

3 years 1 month ago
GRANITE CITY - Granite City School District Superintendent Stephanie Cann issued information to families and the public late Tuesday about the upcoming winter storm. Cann said: "Dear GCSD9 Families, The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning for our surrounding area. Severe conditions, including potential snowfall of between 6” and 13”, may make road conditions hazardous. "For this reason, Granite City Community Unit School District #9 will NOT hold in-person learning on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. Students and teachers will have an E-Learning Day . All sports and extracurricular activities are canceled. "Please refer to the E-Learning Student Expectations on the GCSD9 website for detailed information. Thank you and be safe."

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Barb Evans Earns AMH February Employee Of Month

3 years 1 month ago
ALTON - Barb Evans has earned the Alton Memorial Hospital February Employee of the Month honor. Barb, (center, holding plaque) , is a member of Alton Memorial Hospital’s Respiratory Therapy department. She received the award Tuesday from her manager, Penny Krause, left, and AMH President Dave Braasch. Barb’s nomination was anonymous and indicated that the entire RT team is excellent. “There is not one therapist who should be singled out more than another,” the nomination read. “However, Barb Evans stands out. Her service excellence is apparent in her day-to-day actions in providing excellent care to ALL of our patients. "Barb not only provides excellent care to her patients, she supports new staff members in their onboarding, is a go-to resource for all departments when questions arise regarding RT care, precepts RT students and picks up countless additional hours to assist in meeting the needs of the department.”

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Highland Mourns Loss Of Freshman Student In Tragic Car Crash

3 years 1 month ago
HIGHLAND - Highland High School and the surrounding area are in mourning Monday after freshman student Jarron Haberer died in a tragic car accident on January 29, 2022. At 10:29 p.m. on Saturday, the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a crash on Sportsman Road just north of Rutz Road. The Clinton County Sheriff's Office said Haberer was ejected from the vehicle in a “rollover type crash.” He later died at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Breese. Highland Principal Dr. Chris Becker wrote this statement to HHS students, faculty and family: Dear HHS Students, Faculty, and Families, "It is with a heavy heart I share with our community that this weekend Highland High School lost a member of our school family," Dr. Becker said. "Jarron Haberer, a freshman, was involved in a tragic car accident that took his life. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jarron’s family during this difficult time. To honor Jarron, we are asking students and staff to

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Anti-Mask Protest At JCHS Led By Students, Parents

3 years 1 month ago
A father and son duo led an anti-mask protest at Jersey Community High School around 7:45 a.m. Tuesday. In an announcement post on January 28, Jeremy Laird encouraged parents to join him and “stand with our kids.” “The walk-in protest will be led by my son Justin Laird who will be standing on the sidewalk directly in front of the high school ready to lead all students who are ready to walk into the school with no mask,” Laird said in the post. “I as a parent am taking the day off and will be parked directly in front of the school. Justin encourages all students to walk with him, I encourage all parents to park with me, to ensure all students have a ride home, should it come to that, let's stand with our kids, with our students, with our community. Make a sign and hope to see y'all there.” On Tuesday morning, about 15 students and 11 adults - some of whom brought signs - showed up on the front steps of JCHS. Laird said more students joined

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Meteorologist Predicts Close To Dozen Inches Of Snow In Alton, 14-15 Inches For Jerseyville, Carlinville

3 years 1 month ago
ST. LOUIS - National Weather Service in St. Louis Meteorologist Mark Fuchs has been more specific about snowfall on the Illinois side and said he predicts close to a foot of snow in Alton from late Wednesday to early Thursday. "It looks like upstream to Grafton there will be a little more snow," Fuchs said as he looked at the prediction map. "Jerseyville and Carlinville may be looking at totals approaching 14 to 15 inches of snow." Fuchs said the area will get a little bit of everything in the storm from snow, sleet, and rain. The meteorologist predicted by Thursday afternoon the precipitation should diminish. "We will see everything under the sun in this storm," he said. "The storm will come in two waves. The majority of snow should come by sunrise Thursday and we could see another couple more inches. By Thursday afternoon, it should all be over but the shouting and shoveling." A Winter Storm Warning has been issued for St. Louis and Metro Illinois area as of 3:29 a.m. on Feb.

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