Alton Riverfront Trail Extension Project Moves Forward
ALTON - The Alton City Council is taking action on bike trail connectivity and more following unanimous approval of an agreement with the Madison County Transit District (MCTD). The project aims to improve connectivity between the Confluence and Vadalabene Trails, look into lane reductions on Broadway, and more. City Council members voted unanimously on Wednesday in support of a resolution for the city to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the MCTD “to create better trail connectivity from the Confluence Trail to the Vadalabene Trail and within Alton’s Central Business District, via Alton’s Riverfront trail, with various potential improvements.” These projects will be funded with multiple grants, including a $500,000 grant the city was awarded for the implementation of its “Great Streets” plan designed in 2020. The MCTD has also previously adopted a resolution outlining its intent to commit $34,000,000 for future trail projects