Last year, 34 Missourians died of heat-related illnesses, according to the state Department of Health and Senior Services.
Ansley Franco St. Louis Post-Dispatch
A man charged with murder at Riverview convenience store this year had skipped bail in a shooting case two years ago, court documents show.
Kim Bell St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Jordan D. Huddlen, 27, is facing nine charges, including first-degree murder, assault, armed criminal action and tampering with physical evidence.
By Katie Kull St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The new "Park STC" mobile app shows the availability of 1,500 free public parking spaces in a 30-block area of downtown St. Charles.
Ethan Colbert St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The new Hampton Inn will have 128 rooms and will connect to the existing Hilton St. Louis Airport Hotel on Natural Bridge Road.
By Steph Kukuljan St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Jones called Bush “a proven leader, partner, and coalition builder who is always putting the needs of St. Louis first.”
Austin Huguelet St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Temperatures are set to drop going into this weekend, with lows in the 60s. This shift is projected to bring storms for most of the day July 4th.
Serina DeSalvio St. Louis Post-Dispatch
“Lawmakers made clear that they were imposing their personal religious beliefs on all Missourians when they enacted these laws," attorneys said of the appeal.
Kurt Erickson St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Ask the experts from the Missouri Department of Transportation, St. Louis and St. Charles counties and St. Louis City your questions about highways and roads. The live chat starts at 1 p.m. on Wednesday.
New Market is one of a handful of locally owned, mom-and-pop hardware shops still in operation in the region.
By Steph Kukuljan St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Mail delivery for the St. Augustine Wellston Center is so bad that donors' checks are being returned.
By Tony Messenger St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Police said the pedestrian was hit about 5 a.m. near South Hanley Road and Sunnen Drive.
John Ray said he regrets calling “The Legion of the Sancta Lana” a militia.
By Blythe Bernhard St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The efforts were given a boost when Missouri voters passed tax incentives for film productions last fall.
Daniel Neman St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Choi was accused in a 2022 survey of being a bully who hurt morale and diversity at Mizzou. The latest review shows growing acceptance of his leadership among faculty.
Annelise Hanshaw | The Missouri Independent
The Republican attorney general, who is attempting to secure a four-year term in office, filed the lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court.
By Jack Suntrup St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The proposals had kicked up outrage among Black community leaders.
By Austin Huguelet St. Louis Post-Dispatch
This Fourth of July, Celebrate St. Louis brings back the biggest celebration in town.
By Nina Giraldo St. Louis Post-Dispatch
James R. Lambert, of Lake Saint Louis, was sentenced Tuesday to 75 years in federal prison on five felony charges. He preyed on children he coached in youth hockey.
Katie Kull St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The commission is expected to honor the remainder of Kitty Ratcliffe’s contract. She made $385,000 in 2022.
By Austin Huguelet St. Louis Post-Dispatch