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FOX 2 📺

Can you shoot someone inside your home in Missouri?

2 years ago
MISSOURI — Twenty states have castle doctrines while even more have stand-your-ground laws but what constitutes legal self-defense can still vary across these states. For Missouri, both the castle doctrine and the stand-your-ground law state, the law permits protecting oneself (or a third party, with exceptions) with deadly force should a person feel it is [...]
Luke Sachetta

St. Louis remote-work tax lawsuit benefits six people

2 years ago
ST. LOUIS, Mo. -- Remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic had some people asking why they were paying a St. Louis earnings tax if they were not working in the city limits. The one percent earnings tax is charged to city residents and nonresidents who work in the St. Louis. A lawsuit was filed a [...]
Joe Millitzer

Forecast: Snow coming to St. Louis from 2 storm systems

2 years ago
ST. LOUIS -- There is no debating that January 2023 has been incredibly mild.  In fact, through Wednesday (Jan 18) this ranks as the 2nd warmest start to any calendar year on record.  The average temperature is 11 degrees above normal.  This following the coldest Christmas holiday the region has seen in some 30 years. It [...]
Chris Higgins