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FOX 2 📺

Chicago man charged with threatening Darren Bailey

2 years 3 months ago
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WCIA) -- A man has been charged with threatening Republican candidate for Governor Darren Bailey. 21-year-old Scott Lennox of Chicago is accused of leaving a voicemail with violent threats to Bailey last month. Lennox is facing three felony charges: one charge each of Threatening a Public Official, Telephone Harassment, and Harassment by Electronic [...]
Danny Connolly

Suspected Joplin homicide subject shoots self in Seneca standoff

2 years 3 months ago
JOPLIN, Mo. — Police in Seneca said the man suspected of killing two people in Joplin on Halloween night, shot himself after an hours long stand off in the street near Quince and Antelope in rural Seneca. Authorities tell KSNF/KODE they had been negotiating with the man for most of the morning, trying to bring [...]
Bobbie Pottorff

How local lawmakers tried to keep clocks from changing

2 years 3 months ago
It's almost that time of year again to set the clocks back as Daylight Saving Time nears its end in 2022. Its impact is a hot-button topic every year, so much so that some lawmakers have introduced bills in Missouri and Illinois in an effort for a more uniformed time system
Joey Schneider