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FOX 2 📺

Video: Reckless driving nearly misses officer

1 year 9 months ago
Dashcam video from a Virginia police officer is going viral as it shows the dangers of reckless driving. The officer jumps out of harm's way when a car loses control at 120 miles per hour.
Mallory Thomas

Prosecutor from Kim Gardner's office dies on I-270

1 year 9 months ago
A deadly crash on Interstate 270 in south county is hitting close to home for the St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office. The Missouri Highway Patrol confirmed that the person killed in the crash is 32-year-old James Heitman. It's understood that Heitman was one of the remaining prosecutors in Kim Gardner's office under the General Felonies Unit.
Stephanie Rothman

Meet the team behind this 135-year-old local non-profit 

1 year 9 months ago
Annie Malone Children and Family Services is known as a great refuge for many St. Louis children and families in need. Meet the team behind the scenes and what they do day in and out for the community. Known for their May Day Parade coming up on Sunday, May 21st join in and help raise [...]
Kamy Smelser