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FOX 2 📺

Best private high schools in Missouri

1 year 9 months ago
Private schools, in some form, existed long before the concept of free public education in America. Students were often educated through church-sponsored programs, private tutoring, and boarding schools. Public schools on a large scale were proposed by Horace Mann in the 1830s. The concept gained momentum, and by 1870, nearly 80% of kids aged 5 [...]

Mapping the thousands of Missouri sinkholes

1 year 9 months ago
ST. LOUIS -- There is a reason that Missouri is known as the Cave State. There are thousands of sinkholes and caves. Many of them are formed when limestone rock is washed away by groundwater. This is a process that has been happening for millions of years, and conditions are favorable in Missouri for them [...]
Joe Millitzer

New record for world’s largest box of chocolates set in Missouri

1 year 9 months ago
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Russell Stover is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a new title under its belt. The Kansas City-based chocolatier has been named a Guinness World Record Holder after building the world’s largest box of chocolates. On Monday, April 17, Russell Stover partnered with Dimensional Innovations to create oversized version of its classic copper [...]
Sydnie Savage

Move plants indoors before the St. Louis weekend frost

1 year 9 months ago
ST. LOUIS -- You may want to move your plants indoors this weekend or take precautions to protect outdoor vegetation. A freeze watch in effect for many counties west of St. Louis Saturday night and early Sunday morning. Friday is cooler and breezy conditions with below normal temperatures. But, the St. Louis area should have [...]
Chris Higgins

O'Fallon firefighters rescue ducklings from a sewer

1 year 9 months ago
O'FALLON, Mo. -- Firefighters got a call from a concerned citizen Thursday about a duck hanging out by a sewer gate. They found baby ducks in the sewer. The first responders were able to save the ducklings. Pictures of the family reunion and rescue were posted to the O'Fallon Fire Protection District's Facebook page Friday.
Joe Millitzer