a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lunchtime Photo

3 years ago
Showing support for Ukraine is the order of the day, but none of the pictures in my photo queue could be made to fit a Ukrainian theme of any kind. So instead I made my own. This is a Spanish needles daisy with the background converted to blue and then run through a Photoshop filter.
Kevin Drum

Patrisse Cullors: Defund the police means just what it sounds like

3 years ago
Patrisse Cullors, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter, wants us to take "Defund the Police" very, very seriously: Her new book, An Abolitionist’s Handbook, offers 12 steps in the form of a guidebook that everyday activists can use to fight for an abolitionist present and future—and her bold, humanistic approach can be previewed ...continue reading "Patrisse Cullors: Defund the police means just what it sounds like"
Kevin Drum

Democrats need to back Biden more loudly on Ukraine

3 years ago
Why oh why? For the life of me I don’t understand why Dems aren’t falling over themselves to praise how Biden has handled things and express immense relief that he, rather than a fully compromised Trump, is leading the global response, but this delusional nonsense is what’s filling the void. https://t.co/0qBkAF2tRK — Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) ...continue reading "Democrats need to back Biden more loudly on Ukraine"
Kevin Drum

Why Putin wins: Obvious answers to obvious questions edition

3 years ago
In the New York Times, Chris Miller says there's a reason that Vladimir Putin keeps winning wars: For the past decade, Americans have come to believe that Russia’s strength lies in hybrid tactics — cyberwarfare, misinformation campaigns, covert operations — and its ability to meddle in other countries’ domestic politics. Yet as we have searched ...continue reading "Why Putin wins: Obvious answers to obvious questions edition"
Kevin Drum

Are Democratic moderates responsible for the partyโ€™s downfall?

3 years ago
In the New York Times today, Jamelle Bouie fires away at moderate Democrats who, he says, derailed President Biden's agenda and are now trying to blame progressives for their own failure. I don't understand this. It's true, as Bouie says, that over the summer there was disagreement about whether to link the infrastructure bill and ...continue reading "Are Democratic moderates responsible for the party’s downfall?"
Kevin Drum

Friday Cat Blogging โ€“ 25 February 2022

3 years ago
Charlie, like most cats, adores it when we change the bedsheets. He zooms around as we wave the sheets over his head and attacks anything that comes his way. In this photo he is just about to pounce on something, but I don't know what. Apparently I stopped taking pictures before he made his move.
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

3 years ago
After years of saying that someday I should go up to LA and check out their new subway, I finally did it this week. It's not so new anymore, but better late than never, amirite? I was mainly interested in taking pictures of the various pieces of artwork that adorn some of the stations, and ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

New poll says a third of Americans believe racism has never been a big problem

3 years ago
A new poll from CBS News shows that "book banning" is pretty unpopular: a whopping 85% of the country thinks it's wrong to ban books for ideological or racial reasons—though I note that the pollsters didn't bother to ask about banning books due to sexual content or adult language. Liberals are touting this as evidence ...continue reading "New poll says a third of Americans believe racism has never been a big problem"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

3 years ago
I don't know what kind of tree this is, but the red leaves were pretty so I took a picture of them. Anybody want to help ID this bit of Louisiana swamp flora?
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

3 years ago
This is a busker on the Seal Beach pier with Long Beach harbor in the background. As it happens, though, she wasn't actually busking. She played her violin for a few minutes just to attract attention, and then put it away. Her real business was selling small paintings: portraits, elaborate letterforms, mythical animals, and so ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Russia invades Ukraine

3 years ago
Here are the headlines today about Ukraine: LAT: Russia orders troops into eastern Ukraine as fear of war grows NYT: Putin’s Order Sending Forces to Separatist Enclaves Is Condemned at U.N. WaPo: Putin orders troops to eastern Ukraine WSJ: Putin Orders Deployment of Troops to Breakaway Regions in Ukraine Guardian: Russia strongly condemned at UN ...continue reading "Russia invades Ukraine"
Kevin Drum