Water Issues: Meddling, Muddling and ADVOCACY
For a region of this planet blessed with so much WATER, you'd think we'd have darn diligent doggin' of water protection. And you would be RIGHT. Water quality advocates with the Missouri Coalition for the Environment are among our waters' ardent champions.
This week Earthworms talks with Brad Walker, MCE's Rivers Director, and Alicia Lloyd, Water Policy Coordinator (looking handsomely Glad in Plaid) for an update on water advocacy issues, needs, and some victories during 2017.
You'll hear about pro-Big Ag stacking of Missouri's Clean Water Commission (Bah!), collaborative strategies of the Lower Missouri River and Nicollet Island Coalitions (Yay!) - with more good river info on the MCE Blog.
Listener Quiz: can you name three dumb river "management" outcomes of the Pick-Sloan Act? There are plenty to choose from.
THANKS to Anna Holland, Earthworms ear-friendly engineer
Music: Cadillac Desert, performed live at KDHX by William Tyler
Related Earthworms Conversations:
- People's Pocket Guide to Environmental Action - July 2017
- Mississippi River Cities & Towns Initiative Infrastructure Proposal - April 2017
- Big Muddy MO with Greenway Network, MCE - February 2017