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The State Of The World, And Why We Need Section 230

2 years 6 months ago
I have heard rumors from multiple quarters that President Biden might mention Section 230 in tonight’s State of the Union speech, and I cannot think of any reason he should, unless it is to venerate it. Because it is only through the existence of Section 230 that we, or the world, stand a chance against […]
Cathy Gellis

Fintech-focused VC investor, with office in St. Louis, reveals $200M capital round and new investment

2 years 6 months ago
Joe Maxwell and his crew of tech investors at Fintop Capital, a Nashville-based firm with a St. Louis office, have corralled $200 million in capital. It's the third and largest round of venture capital they've raised since forming their company six years ago. Fintop Capital already has tapped a bit of that money to back Ann Arbor, Michigan-based Plinqit, a savings app that pays users to learn about personal finances. It's the first of eight to 10 investments that Maxwell, Fintop's managing partner,…
Adam Sichko