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Christmas Favorites: Music, Movies, & Meals

2 years 9 months ago

Fa-La-La-La-Lah With the Christmas tree trimmed, cookies baked, and packages wrapped, it’s time to fah-la-la-la-lah—what’s ever that means. So I decided to make a list of my favorite Christmas songs, foods, and flicks. Some are oldies; others more recent, but I’ll be sure to take in a few of these again this year. My Favorite... 

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Jean Carnahan

Pop-Up Supper Club The Mainlander Brings Nostalgia to STL Dining Scene

2 years 9 months ago

When Blake Askew thinks back on what inspired him to get into food in the first place, it all goes back to his nostalgia for a bygone era of dining — one that he hopes to recreate with his new pop-up series, The Mainlander (www.themainlanderstl.com).

"I always had this desire to go back in time, which is what drew me to restaurants in the first place," Askew says. "I got serious about cooking in my mid-twenties, and I read everything I could get my hands on — cookbooks, memoirs of chefs.…
Cheryl Baehr

Eric Schmitt Finds Allies in Attack on COVID Protections

2 years 9 months ago

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt is celebrating his attempts to dismantle the state's COVID-19 health protections. That mission — which has been met with dismay by health experts — got some support this week in the form of an irate cop berating a school bus driver over masks and the state treasurer warning school districts that he would not approve bond deals unless they fall in line.…
Danny Wicentowski