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St. Louis Standards: Chuck-A-Burger Keeps Cruising

2 years 10 months ago
St. Louis Standards is a weekly column dedicated to the people, places and dishes that make our food scene what it is.

It was 1956, and Bud Taylor, Curt Bennett and Ralph Stille found themselves in a bit of a pickle.…

Cheryl Baehr

The biggest lies Missouri politicos tell themselves (and others) | Opinion

2 years 10 months ago

Denial, said Missouri’s greatest export to the world, Mark Twain, ain’t just a river in Egypt. It’s also a problem plaguing major factions of both of our political parties. A lie that a politician tells publicly can be dangerous, as we all witnessed on January 6. But lies that politicians tell themselves — wishcasting, if […]

The post The biggest lies Missouri politicos tell themselves (and others) | Opinion appeared first on Missouri Independent.

Jeff Smith

Billions headed to Missouri transportation fund from gas tax hike, infrastructure bill

2 years 10 months ago

With $6.5 billion on the way from the federal infrastructure bill and a newly increased gas tax, Missouri is ready to take a big bite out of $4.5 billion in unfunded highway needs, Patrick McKenna, director of the Missouri Department of Transportation, said this week. But that doesn’t mean the state is ready to tackle […]

The post Billions headed to Missouri transportation fund from gas tax hike, infrastructure bill appeared first on Missouri Independent.

Rudi Keller

Inside Arch Grants' fundraising strategy that's brought in millions

2 years 10 months ago
This story is part of a series looking at the impact of St. Louis' Arch Grants startup investment program after 10 years. For more, go here. Arch Grants founder Jerry Schlichter says he’s noticed plenty of nonprofits that “wither on the vine” after they’ve launched. The reason: fundraising. Many nonprofits face a tension between trying to balance their annual budgets and pursuing their long-term ambitions, Schlichter said. He wanted Arch Grants to chart a different path. Since its founding…
Nathan Rubbelke