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Toolkit for Parent-Schools Dialogue Toward Safer Cleaning

4 years 2 months ago

 As schools look toward re-opening amid COVID-19, a new toolkit from Women's Voices for the Earth helps parents talk to  teachers and school officials about harmful disinfectants — while also promoting safer and effective product alternatives and best-practices, aimed to reduce toxic exposures, and help keep not only our kids, but also our educators and school staff, healthy and safe.

Key questions: what is the difference between "disinfecting" and "cleaning" and why does this difference matter? (It DOES.) 


This toolkit promote safety, health, and sensible use of product and their chemicals - and dialogue among stakeholder humans! Maria Ignacia Miranda Santis, WVE Program and Outreach Manager, details this campaign and it's "parent" project, Parents Against Quats, a campaign supporting parental leverage with schools to eliminate products using quartenary ammonia. 


The science based grass-roots organizing power of Women' Voice for the Earth, and WVE's consumer-savvy campaigns, have been taking on corporate and government interests for 25 years. Efforts to amplify concerns specific to women - from moms to workers in nail salons. Successes include pressuring Johnson & Johnson to remove a carcinogenic ingredient from (are you ready for this?) Baby Shampoo in 2011, when Earthworms first met WVE. WVE's Detox the Box campaign takes aim at manufactures of tampons and other menstrual products that harbor toxic ingredients. This is a powerful, focused group!

THANKS to Andy Coco and Jon Valley, engineers for this Earthworms edition.

Related Earthworms Conversations: Applying Eco-Logic to Protect Streams AND Roads with Danelle Haake (July 2018) 

Peoples' Pocket Guide to Enviro-Action with Caitlin Zera (July 2018)


COVID-19 Treatment Developed In St. Louis To Begin Human Trials

4 years 2 months ago
A drug developed in St. Louis is beginning human trials with the idea of helping those most at risk of dying from COVID-19. ATI-450 was originally developed by Confluence Discovery Technologies in 2013 as a treatment for autoimmune diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Confluence co-founder Joe Monahan discusses with host Sarah Fenske how it might now also help with the new coronavirus -- and what it will take to bring it to market.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - Have Coronavirus Restrictions Been Lifted Too Soon?

4 years 2 months ago
There are concerns among health officials that many people don't realize coronavirus is still a deadly threat. That comes as restrictions throughout Missouri and Illinois are lifted. Also, the Ethical Society of Police says the St. Louis County Memorandum of Understanding with the African American police union is more than a year too late.

Elad Gross

4 years 2 months ago
On the latest episode of Politically Speaking, Democratic Missouri attorney general candidate Elad Gross talks about his bid for the office — and the steps he would take to reshape the post. Gross is a former assistant attorney general who currently runs his own law firm. He’s also served as a special public defender in St. Louis. He started a nonprofit called Education Exchange Corps that primarily helps students in the St. Louis Public School system. Gross received his undergraduate degree at Duke University and his law degree from Washington University.

Crime Victim Center Responds To Surge In Domestic Violence Cases

4 years 2 months ago
Nearly 90% of the Crime Victim Center’s cases deal with domestic violence, and according to the nonprofit’s executive director Marti Kelly, there is currently an increase in such cases in the St. Louis region. She believes this is due to recent stay-at-home orders. In this episode, Sarah Fenske talks with Kelly about the organization's work, and domestic violence survivor Alexis shares how the Crime Victim Center helped her and her son in the courtroom.

Body Cameras Will Bring Changes To St. Louis' Police Department

4 years 2 months ago
The city of St. Louis approved a $5.7 million contract last week to outfit its police officers with body cameras. City officials said some cops could be wearing cameras within a month. But the policies surrounding the cameras remain unclear. The spokesman for the city’s police union argued in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that any changes to equipment need the union’s approval. The city counselor disagrees, saying the power rests solely on Chief John Hayden. And with the union spokesman (a controversial figure in his own right) claiming he has “no confidence” in Hayden, the details could become a flashpoint. Public Safety Director Jimmie Edwards joins host Sarah Fenske to discuss the body cameras and the devilish details that could keep the police union and transparency advocates at loggerheads in their implementation.

Rich Finneran

4 years 2 months ago
On the latest episode of Politically Speaking, Democratic attorney general candidate Rich Finneran talks about his bid to unseat Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt — and his priorities for the office. Finneran is a University City resident who most recently worked for the Bryan Cave law firm. Before that, he served as an assistant U.S. Attorney during most of Richard Callahan’s tenure as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri. Finneran grew up in St. Louis County and got his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina. He then received his law degree from Washington University.

Monday, June 22, 2020 – COVID-19 Cases Increase in Missouri

4 years 2 months ago
Missouri health officials say Sunday is the first day since the pandemic started that more than 400 new cases of COVID-19 were reported. Most of the spike is coming from rural counties in the southwest part of the state. Also, the pandemic has prompted courts throughout Missouri to close. We examine the slow process of reopening the state's legal system.

'The 2nd 4th Of July': Juneteenth Commemorates End Of Slavery In U.S.

4 years 3 months ago
Juneteenth, sometimes called Freedom Day or Jubilee Day, is one of the oldest celebrations practiced in the United States. And it has taken on added significance during periods of the country’s history where the push to end racial inequities has been in the spotlight. Local Juneteenth parade organizer Carla "Coffee" Wright and Calvin Riley Jr, director of the George B. Vashon Museum, join host Sarah Fenske to talk about the holiday's origins and commemoration of it.

City Museum And Other Hands-On Places Discuss Their Reopening

4 years 3 months ago
In recent weeks, many St. Louis institutions have begun to reopen after months of coronavirus-mandated closures. City Museum General Manager Rick Erwin discussed the difficulties of adapting a free-for-all playland to the age of COVID-19. Reps from the St. Louis Science Center and Magic House also shared their thoughts.

Friday, June 19, 2020 - Juneteenth Takes On Greater Significance

4 years 3 months ago
June 19, or Juneteenth, commemorates when some of the last slaves learned they had been freed by the surrender of the Confederate Army. The day has more significance this year amid the racial injustice protests following the death of George Floyd. Also, we explore the renewed efforts to privatize St. Louis Lambert International Airport.

St. Louis Lambert International Airport Celebrates 100 Years Of Existence

4 years 3 months ago
Thursday marks 100 years since the inception of St. Louis Lambert International Airport. On June 18, 1920, Major Albert Bond Lambert and the Missouri Aeronautical Society leased 170 acres of farmland in north St. Louis County to serve as an airfield for St. Louis. Today it is the oldest continuously operating commercial airport in the U.S. Daniel Rust is the author of “The Aerial Crossroads of America: St. Louis Lambert Airport and Flying Across America: The Airline Passenger Experience.” He joins host Sarah Fenske to delve deeper into St. Louis Lambert International Airport’s 100 years and its impact in the region.

17-Year-Old Poet Honored As 'Young Visionary'

4 years 3 months ago
At 17, St. Louis resident Antigone Chambers Reed is already a writer, actor and human rights activist. And earlier this month, she added yet another role to the mix when she was named the 2020 Jamala Rogers Young Visionary. The award is given annually by the Youth Council for Positive Development, recognizing young adults who are working for social justice and making a difference in their community. The council is associated with the Organization for Black Struggle, which celebrated 40 years of existence earlier this year. Reed’s project, Writing Through Trauma, impressed the selection committee with its vision to provide people in her community with a safe, creative space to process, heal and share lived experiences of violence. Making use of the $2,000 prize that accompanies the award, Reed expects to launch her free virtual workshop later this year. In this conversation she shares her passion for the work she is doing. The segment also includes pre-recorded comments from youth empowerment organizer Janis Mensah. In addition to discussing her plans for her workshop, Reed reads part of her poem "You Ask Me About North Saint Louis."

Engaging Children In Political Protest

4 years 3 months ago
The average protester might seem like a young adult, but parents are also bringing out their children with them to demonstrate. Host Sarah Fenske explores that decision with parents about how they navigate the ongoing shift in culture when it comes to conversations about race, and making the decision to bring kids to protests. Joining the discussion are We Stories board members Jenna Voss and Pamela Washington.

After Columbus' Removal, Who Should St. Louisans Honor With A New Statue In Tower Grove Park?

4 years 3 months ago
After Tower Grove Park removed a statue of Christopher Columbus on June 16, it doesn't look like a new statue will be erected anytime soon due to COVID-19 budget challenges, according to a park official. But that got us wondering who St. Louisans should honor with a statue: Dred Scott, Josephine Baker, someone from the Osage Nation? We got the backstory from Washington University history professor Peter Kastor and architecture historian Chris Naffziger. We also sought listener suggestions.

‘Biological Annihilation’ Another Challenge For Humanity, MoBOT’s Peter Raven Says

4 years 3 months ago
In between all the news updates about the COVID-19 pandemic and protests against police brutality, a totally different story jumped out from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch the other day. “Mass species extinctions are accelerating,” the headline began. That’s the existentially disturbing takeaway from a new study co-authored by Peter Raven, president emeritus of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Examining the populations of nearly 30,000 vertebrates, and particularly the 515 species that are on the brink of extinction, Raven and his colleagues found that 20% of all species could be gone by the middle of the 21st century. From there, the numbers could grow far worse in the coming decades because of how “extinction breeds extinction.” It’s all part of what Raven describes as an accelerating, human-caused “ongoing sixth mass extinction” — and it’s also a state of affairs about which Raven refuses to despair. In this segment, he joins host Sarah Fenske to dissect the new study’s findings and explore where to go from here in trying to prevent ecological collapse.

Local Book Stores See Surge of Interest in Books About Racism

4 years 3 months ago
Nine of the top 10 books on the New York Times' nonfiction bestseller list are about race, or racism. And local book stores are seeing a similar surge. Jeffrey Blair of Eye See Me African American Children's Bookstore and Danielle King of Left Bank Books joined host Sarah Fenske to describe what they're seeing, and share their picks.