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Belleville Man Caught in Sex Sting Receives 25-year Sentence

2 years 9 months ago
A federal judge sentenced a Belleville man to 25 years in prison today after authorities caught him attempting to have sex with an underage boy. Kenneth Rogers, 24, traveled to Brentwood in 2020 thinking he was about to meet a  14-year-old boy but ended up in handcuffs instead. A St. Louis County Police sergeant posing as the boy’s older brother on Grindr made arrangements with Rogers to have sex with the purported 14-year-old.
Monica Obradovic

Silver Award Girl Scouts Honored At Recognition Of Excellence Ceremony

2 years 9 months ago
GLEN CARBON – When Girl Scout Cadettes focus on an issue they care about, learn the facts, and take action to make a difference, they gain the confidence and skills that will catapult them to lifelong success. It all adds up to the Girl Scout Silver Award – the highest honor a Cadette in grades 6-8 can achieve. Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois is pleased to announce this year’s class of Silver Award Girl Scouts who were honored at the annual Recognition of Excellence ceremony on Sunday, May 15. Congratulations to all our Silver Award Girl Scouts! Troop #74 from the Belleville/Swansea area Project: Encouraging Students to Recycle Aria Brown Troop #74 from the Belleville/Swansea area Project: Preserving Pollinators Kyleigh Bagby Troop #121 from the ClinClair area Project: Humane Society Enrichment Walk Isabelle Tripp Elizabeth White Kate Wittenstrom Troop #163 from the O’Fallon/Shiloh/Fairview Heights area Project: Busy Blankets

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Mental Health Care Starts With A First Step

2 years 9 months ago
ALTON - Tackling any task – from a child walking to an adult learning a new job – starts with a first step. The same goes for taking care of your mental and behavioral health, but even the experts admit it may be daunting to ask for help. In the midst of Mental Health Awareness Month , experts are reminding you there are resources to bridge the gap between “What do I do?” and “I have the care I need.” Katie Koeller is a behavioral health navigator (BHN) at OSF HealthCare in Alton, Illinois . BHN is a free, ministry-wide service at OSF HealthCare, but you don’t have to be an OSF HealthCare patient to use it. The program helps people in areas like depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol use, and problems with work, school, or relationships. The BHN talks to the patient – either at a provider’s office or over the phone – about what care they need, and they point the person to that care as close to home and as soon as possible.

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Belt Appointed To Nonprofit Electric Generation Task Force

2 years 9 months ago
EAST ST. LOUIS – State Senator Christopher Belt was appointed to the Nonprofit Electric Generation Task Force to continue his support for the Prairie State Generation Campus. “I have been a longstanding champion of bringing clean energy to the Metro East and am honored to have the opportunity to continue to advocate for a cleaner community,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “As a member of the Energy and Public Utilities Committee, I am proud to show my support for the coal plant that gives thousands of residents electricity. The task force investigates the technical and financial options to install carbon capture, sequestration, utilization and direct air capture, assess the existing regulatory construct and any legislative support mechanisms necessary to reduce carbon and prepare a report of the findings at the Prairie State Generation Campus. Located in the Metro East, Prairie State provides energy to 180 communities across the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic. Throughout

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Madison Communications Honors Three Teachers In Annual Teacher Of The Year Contest

2 years 9 months ago
STAUNTON – Rural broadband is more than making an Internet connection, it’s about connecting people and giving back to our local communities. This year marks the 17 th year that Madison Communications has sponsored the Teacher of the Year Awards contest! Madison has proudly contributed over $19,000 to local area schools through this program. The Teacher of the Year program annually presents an award to three teachers. Teachers employed at school districts within Madison’s service areas are eligible to be nominated for this award. The contest takes place from March 1 st to May 2 nd and is divided into the nomination and voting phase. During the month of March Madison received a total of 140 nominations and during the month of April, they received over 12,000 votes. The three teachers who received the highest number of votes were announced on May 2 nd on social media platforms as well as on the https://gomadison.com/ website. The 2022 Teacher of the Year winners

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St. Mary's Student Is "Mayor for the Day"

2 years 9 months ago
GLEN CARBON - May 25, 2022: St. Mary’s student, Lucas Frohnert, was Mayor for the day for The Villiage of Glen Carbon. He won this experience at the 2022 St. Mary’s School PTC Auction. Thank you Mayor Bob Marcus for donating this amazing experience. The Event Chair, Elizabeth Moody, explains, “It is incredibly generous of Mayor Marcus to not only donate this incredible experience but to take the time to plan such a meaningful and neat day for one of our students. Experience-based items like what Mr. Marcus donated are what make our auction successful, fun, and memorable.” With the help of Mayor Marcus and so many other local businesses, parents, donors, and school & parish families the St. Mary’s Auction was able to raise over $140k and will be building a brand new playground.

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FreightWeekSTL: Union Pacific Railroad Continues to Adapt and Invest to Keep Freight Moving

2 years 9 months ago

An unprecedented disruption in the global supply chain due to the COVID-19 pandemic is still having a major impact on many U.S. industries. Freight rail has had to adapt daily over the last two years to keep goods moving, and Union Pacific Railroad is taking its lessons learned, investing in adding more capacity and committing to moving more intermodal freight. That commitment includes investing $600 million of capital in 2022 alone as the company works to add more than one million lifts to the intermodal franchise and ramps up hiring so resources match demand. The various ways that Union Pacific continues to adapt and invest to keep freight moving were the focus of one of the panel discussions during FreightWeekSTL 2022.

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Werremeyer Creative

Families of People Killed by Law Enforcement Demand Police Reforms

2 years 9 months ago
It’s been three years since Tammy Bufford’s son was shot and killed by St. Louis police in a dark south city gangway. On the day that would have been Cortez Bufford’s 27th birthday, Tammy Bufford and four others who lost family members to police violence stood on the steps of St. Louis City Hall to demand police reform. [content-2] Bereaved speakers brought various demands, from reparations to a ban on no-knock warrants.
Monica Obradovic