ILAW Alton Sewer Separation Project Update For Jan. 31, 2022
Illinois American Water’s work to separate the Alton combined sewer system and install new sanitary sewers continues. Below is information about this week’s road closures – Jan. 31, 2022 Piasa Valley Area: 6th Street east of Alby Street is closed to George Street, with surface restoration work being completed as weather permits. Please drive carefully as some of the roadways are still rock surfaces. Alby Street is closed from 6th Street north towards 7th Street, with future closures north and east of Alby/7th Street. Brick pavement restoration is being completed around the south portion of Public Square. 7th Street east of the square to George Street is closed, with the next block east closing soon. Turner Tract Area: Danforth Street will be closing in the next week or two to all thru traffic to allow for sewer installation work. The alley south of McKinley east of Lincoln is back open to traffic, with pavement restoration happening as weather permits. Douglas Street