a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Reagan team tried to sabotage hostage talks before the 1980 election

1 year 6 months ago
As we all know, Jimmy Carter lost his 1980 reelection bid against Ronald Reagan thanks in part to the long-running Iranian hostage drama. It's long been suspected that Reagan's team actively tried to persuade Iran not to release the hostages so that Carter wouldn't get a victory bump, but there's never been any firm proof. ...continue reading "Reagan team tried to sabotage hostage talks before the 1980 election"
Kevin Drum

The real danger of artificial intelligence is natural intelligence

1 year 6 months ago
With the release of ChatGPT, the chattering classes began to chatter about the safety of artificial intelligence. Partly this was about things ChatGPT could do right now (help kids cheat in school, for example) but mostly it was about the possibility of AI destroying humanity at some point in the future. But there's an odd ...continue reading "The real danger of artificial intelligence is natural intelligence"
Kevin Drum

The MAGA mob goes after a Florida hospital

1 year 6 months ago
You should check out Kiera Butler's piece at Mother Jones about Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Sarasota, Florida (naturally). A couple of months ago the "medical freedom" movement suddenly decided to target them: With an unprecedented 300 people at the February meeting, attendees lit into Sarasota Hospital physicians, accusing them of killing Covid patients....That’s when things ...continue reading "The MAGA mob goes after a Florida hospital"
Kevin Drum

Were FHLB loans a missed red flag before Silicon Valley Bank collapsed?

1 year 6 months ago
I've been trying to figure out exactly what warning signs regulators supposedly missed in the months before Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, and I haven't come up with much. The $15 billion hole in SVB's bond portfolio was mildly concerning, but no more than that since it didn't affect SVB's books. The outflow of deposits seemed ...continue reading "Were FHLB loans a missed red flag before Silicon Valley Bank collapsed?"
Kevin Drum

Health update

1 year 6 months ago
We have dates! My CAR-T treatment is scheduled for April 25. There are several days of pre-treatment, so I will be up at City of Hope starting on April 19. I'll return home whenever they think I'm ready, probably around the second week of May. And then we wait to see if it worked. Tick ...continue reading "Health update"
Kevin Drum

New DNA analysis adds strong evidence for natural origin of COVID-19 virus

1 year 6 months ago
The Atlantic reports today that three researchers have performed a re-analysis of swabs taken at the Huanan Market in Wuhan early in the COVID-19 pandemic. The original analysis, done last year by a Chinese team, drew no conclusions about the origin of the virus, but the new analysis strongly suggests that the virus developed naturally ...continue reading "New DNA analysis adds strong evidence for natural origin of COVID-19 virus"
Kevin Drum

Teens are depressed because they spent their childhood in a bubble, not because of smartphones

1 year 6 months ago
Why are teen girls so depressed these days. Jonathan Haidt thinks the answer is smartphones and social media, and I expressed some doubts about that a few weeks ago. Haidt is back today and, among other things, shows us this chart: You can see one of the reasons for my skepticism here: the starting point ...continue reading "Teens are depressed because they spent their childhood in a bubble, not because of smartphones"
Kevin Drum

Marketing in the era of GPT-4 is a doomed profession

1 year 6 months ago
I've set this video from Microsoft to start at 7:54. Go ahead and watch about 30 seconds of it.  As a former high-tech marketing VP, I can confirm that marketing writing is generally pretty undistinguished. You don't have to be Shakespeare to put together a brochure or a PowerPoint presentation about a new product. ...continue reading "Marketing in the era of GPT-4 is a doomed profession"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 6 months ago
This is a silhouette of a tree in Modjeska Canyon late in the day. And, um, that's about all I have to say about it.
Kevin Drum

Texas judge is close to banning medication-induced abortion

1 year 6 months ago
This whole mifepristone business is just infuriating: The federal judge who could upend access to a key abortion medication seemed open on Wednesday to the argument that the drug had not been properly vetted and could be unsafe — claims the Food and Drug Administration and leading health organizations strongly contest. While the antiabortion group ...continue reading "Texas judge is close to banning medication-induced abortion"
Kevin Drum

Silicon Valley Bank was fine. Itโ€™s Silicon Valley thatโ€™s broken.

1 year 6 months ago
Over the past few days, a million pundits have become instant experts on the finances of Silicon Valley Bank. They are outraged that no one before now noticed the bleeding obvious: SVB was a reckless and fragile bank, a literal time bomb on the edge of collapsing thanks to foolish business practices. Now, 20/20 hindsight ...continue reading "Silicon Valley Bank was fine. It’s Silicon Valley that’s broken."
Kevin Drum