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Kevin Drum 🕸

What is woke?

1 year 6 months ago
Bethany Mandel, a conservative writer, had a bit of brain freeze on live TV yesterday and was unable to define woke for her interviewer. This gave us lefties a chance to laugh at her, and fair enough. That's life in the arena. I really don't understand why movement conservatives haven't yet figured out a simple, ...continue reading "What is woke?"
Kevin Drum

It was necessary to destroy the bank in order to save the bank

1 year 6 months ago
Here's a chart that must be driving all the ex-managers of Silicon Valley Bank nuts: One of SVB's problems was a portfolio of long-dated Treasury bonds that was $15 billion underwater. But 10-year Treasurys have fallen by more than 50 basis points since Peter Thiel's run on deposits put SVB into receivership. Their portfolio has ...continue reading "It was necessary to destroy the bank in order to save the bank"
Kevin Drum


1 year 6 months ago
It is the Ides of March. If you happen to have any friends named Brutus—or anything else vaguely Latinesque—you might want to stay home today.
Kevin Drum

Silicon Valley Bank would have passed every test for liquidity

1 year 6 months ago
It's time for some serious geekery. This post will (once again) address the question of whether the 2018 bank deregulation law had any effect on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Yesterday I looked at SVB's capital ratios and concluded that they were higher than required either with or without the law. If deregulation had ...continue reading "Silicon Valley Bank would have passed every test for liquidity"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 6 months ago
It's hummingbird season again, and I have several who buzz around my window these days. The top picture is (I think) a mature Allen's hummingbird, while the bottom picture is a young 'un. I realize that I posted a picture of a hummingbird just about a month ago, but what can I say? I like ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

CPI in February ticks up, but supercore is still in good shape

1 year 6 months ago
Today is inflation day, and the BLS reports that CPI moved sort of sideways in February: Headline CPI dropped from January's high reading, but core CPI moved up a bit. This makes three months in a row that core CPI has been creeping upward. (In case you care—which you shouldn't—the year-over year rate that news ...continue reading "CPI in February ticks up, but supercore is still in good shape"
Kevin Drum

Here’s what everyone thought about Silicon Valley Bank on Tuesday, March 7

1 year 6 months ago
Was Silicon Valley Bank in good shape before it was put out of business by a bank run? As of Tuesday, March 7, here's what the rating agencies said about them: These ratings hadn't changed in over a year. Here's what the major stock analysts had to say: Buy! Overweight! Outperform! The analysts who followed ...continue reading "Here’s what everyone thought about Silicon Valley Bank on Tuesday, March 7"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 6 months ago
A starry-skied memorial for Brad on Highway 62 about 50 miles east of Twentynine Palms.
Kevin Drum

The chaos agent behind the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is . . . Slack?

1 year 6 months ago
The Wall Street Journal explains today how panic about Silicon Valley Bank spread throughout Silicon Valley last week: On Wednesday, the bank announced it had sold a chunk of its holdings at a loss and would sell a slug of stock to raise cash....Slack and WhatsApp groups lit up across the startup scene. ....“For startups, ...continue reading "The chaos agent behind the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is . . . Slack?"
Kevin Drum

Why did China broker the new agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia?

1 year 6 months ago
Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran have been on a roller coaster for the past four decades. Relations were bad after the Iranian Revolution but improved during the Gulf War. They soured again when Iran began pursuing a nuclear program and then again after an Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US ...continue reading "Why did China broker the new agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia?"
Kevin Drum