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Kevin Drum 🕸

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
This is Monet's cottage in Giverny. I didn't go inside because I'd already seen it and it was jammed with busloads of tourists (like me). However, I did carefully scout out a spot that made it look nice and peaceful, as it should.
Kevin Drum

Los Angeles sure has improved its high school graduation rate

1 year 8 months ago
The LA Times reports that Los Angeles posted a record-high high school graduation rate last year: For the high school class that graduated in 2022, the percentage of students who earned a diploma in four years in Los Angeles Unified — the nation’s second-largest school system — was 86%....There was about a 4.5 percentage point ...continue reading "Los Angeles sure has improved its high school graduation rate"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: Tracking the private jets of zillionaires

1 year 8 months ago
From the LA Times: The right of billionaires to travel in secrecy is a niche concern, to say the least. True enough. However, when your paper employs a "wealth reporter" you gotta write about something, don't you? I have to admit that, zillionaires or not, I sort of sympathize with them on this issue. Sometimes ...continue reading "Quote of the day: Tracking the private jets of zillionaires"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
Let's do another triptych today. This one is of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, which has been closed for the past decade and is now undergoing decommissioning. And just how long will this take? According to the ultimate authority, "Decommissioning San Onofre will take numerous years until the process is complete." Okey doke. Also: ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Uncle Sam is coming for Mickey Mouse

1 year 8 months ago
Copyright news for 2023: On January 1, 2023, copyrighted works from 1927 will enter the US public domain, including books from Hemingway, Woolf, and Agatha Christie; movies like Metropolis, Wings, and The Jazz Singer; and music by Irving Berlin & Louis Armstrong. https://t.co/3BHllesUlL — kottke.org (@kottke) December 21, 2022 Only one year until Mickey Mouse ...continue reading "Uncle Sam is coming for Mickey Mouse"
Kevin Drum

Health Update

1 year 8 months ago
This month my M-protein level is up a bit: These small ups and downs are pretty normal, but naturally I'd just as soon see more downs than ups. Still, as long as I'm below 1.0 things are OK. That said, I'd sure like the Carvykti people to find a slot for me. There are not ...continue reading "Health Update"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Single family starts were down 4% in November

1 year 8 months ago
Construction starts for single-family homes were down 4.1% in November. That's hardly a surprise. But starts for new apartment units were up 4.8%: In case you think this is unusual, it's actually part of a very long-term trend: The single-family housing market is a boom-and-bust affair, but with a marked secular trend downward over the ...continue reading "Raw data: Single family starts were down 4% in November"
Kevin Drum

House votes today on releasing Trump’s tax returns. They shouldn’t.

1 year 8 months ago
Will House Democrats release Donald Trump's tax returns to the public? A House committee is expected to vote Tuesday afternoon on whether to make public tax returns belonging to former President Donald J. Trump....A rarely used federal law allows the committee to obtain any U.S. taxpayer’s returns. While the statute generally requires lawmakers to keep ...continue reading "House votes today on releasing Trump’s tax returns. They shouldn’t."
Kevin Drum

The past two years show that illegal immigration isn’t a very big problem

1 year 9 months ago
Here is the rate of "border encounters" over the past decade or so: Border crossings spiked at the end of Donald Trump's presidency and since then have remained at about 5x the normal rate. Is this a crisis? I think borders should be enforced but it's never been one of my hot buttons. Partly this ...continue reading "The past two years show that illegal immigration isn’t a very big problem"
Kevin Drum