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Kevin Drum 🕸

White people in Richmond refused state jobs to demolish Confederate statues

1 year 8 months ago
I haven't paid any attention to the demolition of Confederate statues on Monument Avenue in Richmond, so I didn't know it had all been done by a single person, Devon Henry: The name carries weight in Richmond these days. Over the past three years, as the former capital of the Confederacy has taken down more ...continue reading "White people in Richmond refused state jobs to demolish Confederate statues"
Kevin Drum

What’s up with momentum?

1 year 8 months ago
Why is there no name for a unit of momentum? Or for angular momentum? Did we run out of famous people to name things after? How about one sina or one descartes for linear momentum and one foucault for angular momentum? UPDATE: More here.
Kevin Drum

Top ten charts of 2022

1 year 8 months ago
This is an idiosyncratic collection. These charts don't "tell the story of 2022" and they're not the most important things I published all year. They just happened to intrigue me. First up, naturally, is this chart of PCE inflation. I've posted it about a dozen times this year, so I might as well put it ...continue reading "Top ten charts of 2022"
Kevin Drum

Let’s talk about the real problems with rural America

1 year 8 months ago
A few days ago, Tony Pipa of the Brookings Institution wrote about the dire state of America's rural communities: A Policy Renaissance Is Needed for Rural America to Thrive Shamokin [Pennsylvania] is a cautionary tale for what happens when we lack policy solutions that can truly help places cope and adapt to major economic and ...continue reading "Let’s talk about the real problems with rural America"
Kevin Drum

Yet another look at that lead-crime meta-study

1 year 8 months ago
Tyler Cowen weighs in today on a study of the lead-crime hypothesis: These results seem a bit underwhelming, and furthermore there seems to be publication bias....I have long been agnostic about the lead-crime hypothesis, simply because I never had the time to look into it, rather than for any particular substantive reason. (I suppose I ...continue reading "Yet another look at that lead-crime meta-study"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
This is a flower that was growing in one of the British World War II cemeteries in Normandy. But what is it? It's nothing I can come even close to recognizing.
Kevin Drum

TikTok offers to let US agencies oversee content moderation

1 year 8 months ago
I was browsing around this evening and ran across a piece from Glenn Greenwald in which he complains that a clip from his streaming news show was removed from TikTok—apparently because he called Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky a "corrupt, authoritarian oligarch." Glenn goes on to suggest that this might have happened due to influence from ...continue reading "TikTok offers to let US agencies oversee content moderation"
Kevin Drum