a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

We are all waiting restlessly for artificial intelligence

1 year 8 months ago
A new paper in Nature claims that "disruptive" discoveries in science have been on a downward trend over the past few decades. The authors use a measure of disruptiveness that basically measures whether anyone cares about previous work once the disruptive paper has been published: The intuition is that if a paper or patent is ...continue reading "We are all waiting restlessly for artificial intelligence"
Kevin Drum

Joe Biden did not obstruct the return of classified documents

1 year 8 months ago
Marc Thiessen today: If Trump’s classified document mishandling was ‘irresponsible,’ so is Biden’s Nice try, Marc, but no one has ever cared very much if a few classified documents were accidentally taken from the White House when a president (or vice president) moved. Sure, we'd all prefer they be more careful, but it's not that ...continue reading "Joe Biden did not obstruct the return of classified documents"
Kevin Drum

We are still a few months away from the Fed having any effect on inflation

1 year 8 months ago
I suppose it's pointless to keep repeating this since no one ever listens, but can we please stop this nonsense? The Fed May Finally Be Winning the War on Inflation. But at What Cost? [Neel] Kashkari insists...taming inflation must be the priority. “The sooner we take the medicine,” he says, “the less painful it will ...continue reading "We are still a few months away from the Fed having any effect on inflation"
Kevin Drum

Putin fires another general

1 year 8 months ago
The Russian army in Ukraine is changing command again. They are now on their third leader: February, 2022: Army General Aleksandr Dvornikov, the "Butcher of Syria," leads the Russian invasion of Ukraine. October 2022: General of the Army Sergey Surovikin, aka "General Armageddon," replaces Dvornikov. January 2023: General of the Army Valery Gerasimov, also Chief ...continue reading "Putin fires another general"
Kevin Drum

Do family leave acts kill progress on the gender wage gap?

1 year 8 months ago
Tyler Cowen points me today to a new study that investigates whether the gender wage gap is affected by family leave laws. The basic strategy is to look at the gender gap by state and compare wages before and after family leave acts were passed. That's a sensible approach. Long story short, the authors conclude ...continue reading "Do family leave acts kill progress on the gender wage gap?"
Kevin Drum

American conservatives are the least silenced people on the planet

1 year 8 months ago
Jesus Christ: I'm not sure there's been a less silenced group in all of history than modern conservatives. They have their own TV network. They have the entire AM radio dial. They have social media networks for their own private use. They have churches, CEOs, and think tanks at their beck and call. They own ...continue reading "American conservatives are the least silenced people on the planet"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
This is a gorgeous great blue heron that I photographed during my vacation in Virginia. But this was the one that got away. As I approached it for the first time, it flew away before I could get my camera ready—and it was absolutely magnificent in flight. The best I've ever seen. So I moved ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Katie Porter is running for the Senate

1 year 8 months ago
Hey, lookie here: California needs a warrior in the Senate—to stand up to special interests, fight the dangerous imbalance in our economy, and hold so-called leaders like Mitch McConnell accountable for rigging our democracy. Today, I'm proud to announce my candidacy for the U.S. Senate in 2024. pic.twitter.com/X1CSE8T12B — Katie Porter (@katieporteroc) January 10, 2023 ...continue reading "Katie Porter is running for the Senate"
Kevin Drum

My crystal ball says . . . 1% inflation by the end of the year

1 year 8 months ago
Just for the lulz, here are inflation expectations over the next 30 years as estimated by the Cleveland Fed: Everything is fine. There is absolutely nothing worrisome in any of this. FWIW, I think near-term inflation will be lower than this. Rates are already pretty low right now and are going to get lower as ...continue reading "My crystal ball says . . . 1% inflation by the end of the year"
Kevin Drum

The Wall Street Journal has a problem with the truth

1 year 8 months ago
A 34-year-old Navy lieutenant is currently serving a three-year term for manslaughter in a Japanese prison. Here is a Wall Street Journal editorial explaining how he got there: Lt. Ridge Alkonis, assigned to the guided-missile destroyer the USS Benfold in Yokosuka, was driving his family back from a trip to Mt. Fuji in May 2021 ...continue reading "The Wall Street Journal has a problem with the truth"
Kevin Drum

First Republican act of the new Congress is to blow up the deficit

1 year 8 months ago
Here's the impact of the first bill that Republicans passed today: I'm just kidding, of course. The real name of the bill is the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act. Because why not? Republicans can call it anything they want regardless of what it actually does. And what it does is simple: It repeals ...continue reading "First Republican act of the new Congress is to blow up the deficit"
Kevin Drum

Was Russian influence on the 2016 election just a big nothingburger?

1 year 8 months ago
Over at National Review, Dan McLaughlin joins the throng of conservatives who are crowing today over a new study that owns the libs big time. Remember all that Russian influence that helped Donald Trump get elected in 2016? Never happened: Today, however, the Post‘s own cybersecurity columnist Tim Starks offers a reality check: "Russian influence operations ...continue reading "Was Russian influence on the 2016 election just a big nothingburger?"
Kevin Drum