a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Raw data: The AP African American Studies test

1 year 7 months ago
You've probably heard that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned the new AP African American test because it is "inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value." No further explanation or detail was provided, so nobody knows precisely what this means. However, if you're curious about which sections of the test probably offend ...continue reading "Raw data: The AP African American Studies test"
Kevin Drum

BREAKING: Tories slashed spending on NHS and service cratered

1 year 7 months ago
Apparently Britain's National Health Service is having problems these days. What's the solution? More privatization? More accountability?  More doctors from overseas? I don't want to pretend that the NHS's problems aren't complex. But at least one of them is pretty simple. Consider this chart from a couple of years ago: This is plain enough. In ...continue reading "BREAKING: Tories slashed spending on NHS and service cratered"
Kevin Drum

Friday Cat Blogging โ€“ 20 January 2023

1 year 7 months ago
Here is Charlie watching the second round of the Australian Open. He was, of course, rooting for the unseeded young American Jenson Brooksby to beat the jötunn of Norway, Casper Ruud. Which he did. Mainly, though, Charlie just liked watching the little pong thingie that kept going back and forth across the screen.
Kevin Drum

Iowa Republicans working hard to make poor people even more miserable

1 year 7 months ago
Sami Scheetz, a state representative in Iowa, tweets today about a bill introduced by state Republicans that restricts the kinds of food that can be purchased with SNAP (food stamps): It's obvious that this is intended to make low-income workers on SNAP even more miserable than they already are. But there's more. As the list ...continue reading "Iowa Republicans working hard to make poor people even more miserable"
Kevin Drum

Raw data: Jobs and layoffs over the past year

1 year 7 months ago
Which state has suffered the worst change in its economy over the past 12 months? Here are the bottom 20 in job openings and layoffs: Oddly, there are only five states that are on both lists (Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada, Indiana, and Utah). You'd think there would be overlap, wouldn't you?
Kevin Drum

Donald Trump ordered to pay Hillary Clinton $172,000

1 year 7 months ago
Several months ago Donald Trump lost his bizarre lawsuit against an array of his worst imagined enemies. On Thursday his enemies had their say: A Florida-based federal judge has ordered nearly $1 million in sanctions against Donald Trump and his attorney Alina Habba, calling the former president a “mastermind of strategic abuse of the judicial ...continue reading "Donald Trump ordered to pay Hillary Clinton $172,000"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
This is the dome of the crematorium at the famous Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris—permanent resting place of Jim Morrison and lots of other famous folk. It's a great picture because there's scaffolding covering the entire building right now, which extends up to about an inch below what you can see from this angle. You'd ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: Putting your fingers on the keyboard

1 year 8 months ago
Uber-blogger-turned-substacker Matt Yglesias was profiled in the Washington Post last week, so now everyone is talking about Matt Yglesias. What's his secret? Why is he so popular? Whatever you happen to think of the quality, wit, or erudition of Matt's writing, there's no question that one of his talents is sheer quantity. He can churn ...continue reading "Quote of the day: Putting your fingers on the keyboard"
Kevin Drum

I would like to never hear the word โ€œpolycrisisโ€ again

1 year 8 months ago
Nouriel Roubini is . . . not optimistic these days: What I have called megathreats others have called a “polycrisis” — which the Financial Times recently named its buzzword of the year. For her part, Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, speaks of a “confluence of calamities”. The world economy, she ...continue reading "I would like to never hear the word “polycrisis” again"
Kevin Drum

Today brings yet more evidence that inflation is falling

1 year 8 months ago
Check out the latest numbers for PPI inflation: PPI is basically inflation at the wholesale level: it's the price that domestic producers get for the initial sale of their products, and it's often a forerunner of consumer inflation. As usual, I'm showing monthly inflation that's been annualized. Headline PPI came in at -5.8% and core ...continue reading "Today brings yet more evidence that inflation is falling"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
This is from the "Things That Make You Go Hmmm" file. It's the pediment (?) of a building in Paris photographed from the Coulée Verte.
Kevin Drum

Chinaโ€™s demographic plunge started in 1990, but crashed starting in 2018

1 year 8 months ago
Brad Plumer says on Twitter Don't think I understood how dramatic China's demographic shift was until I saw this graph. Let's take a look. Here's the chart Brad is talking about: That is indeed pretty startling. Then again, here's the same chart for the United States: This isn't quite as startling, but it's not wildly ...continue reading "China’s demographic plunge started in 1990, but crashed starting in 2018"
Kevin Drum

George Bush Has Been Tossed on the Ash Heap of History

1 year 8 months ago
A Twitter reader reminded me of this righteous rant about the George Bush era from 2011: Republicans got the tax cuts they wanted. They got the financial deregulation they wanted. They got the wars they wanted. They got the unfunded spending increases they wanted. And the results were completely, unrelentingly disastrous. A decade of sluggish ...continue reading "George Bush Has Been Tossed on the Ash Heap of History"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

1 year 8 months ago
Check out the smirk on this kid with his behind-the-back save in a ping pong game with his father. This picture was taken at a municipal ping pong table alongside the Saint-Martin Canal in Paris.
Kevin Drum

In unsurprising news, it turns out social media platforms lean conservative

1 year 8 months ago
The congressional investigation of the January 6 insurrection is now over, and Republicans are obviously uninterested in continuing it. But the Washington Post reports that committee staffers collected loads of evidence about social media that never made it into the final report and is now hidden from public view: The evidence they collected was written ...continue reading "In unsurprising news, it turns out social media platforms lean conservative"
Kevin Drum