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Kevin Drum 🕸

Eyeball Update

2 years ago
Last night the eye folks dumped so much dilation fluid into my baby blues that I'm still dilated today. Because of that I can only barely see at close distances, which means that blogging will be slow. I'll return as my pupils slowly get smaller than a trash can lid and I can see again.
Kevin Drum

For a few minutes in January, Republicans wanted to impeach Trump

2 years ago
Huh. I guess the hot ticket for Republicans right after January 6 was to haul out the 25th Amendment and boot Donald Trump out of office: Recording of McCarthy and Cheney pic.twitter.com/oHMMV7TXbo — Acyn (@Acyn) April 22, 2022 Halfway through, McCarthy switches gears and tells Liz Cheney: "We know it'll pass the House. I think ...continue reading "For a few minutes in January, Republicans wanted to impeach Trump"
Kevin Drum

Florida finally shows us some of their woke mathematics

2 years ago
The Florida Department of Education finally released a few examples of "unacceptable" math problems today. Here is one of them: So the lesson here is that conservatives are racist, as proven by a test that's of dubious reliability. Nice work, textbook people. This is insane. I can't imagine there's a conservative governor anywhere in the ...continue reading "Florida finally shows us some of their woke mathematics"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
This is a brightly lit mourning cloak butterfly that I took a picture of last year. It's a reminder that summer is coming soon this year.
Kevin Drum

Superpredators were real. But they aren’t anymore.

2 years ago
In the New York Times today, James Forman Jr. and Kayla Vinson take another shot at the "superpredator" theory of the mid 1990s: In January the Connecticut Supreme Court reversed the 60-year sentence imposed on Keith Belcher, a Black teenager, for sexual assault and armed robbery committed when he was 14. Mr. Belcher was sentenced ...continue reading "Superpredators were real. But they aren’t anymore."
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
This is part of the path around Lake Martin in Louisiana. Much of the path is just packed earth and gravel, and another part is sort of modified jungle with a barely visible trail hacked out of it. However, a couple of miles (out of five) is like this: a nice, wide path with a ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

As usual, California’s latest homeless initiative is widely hated

2 years ago
Here in Los Angeles¹ we have a mayoral election coming up. The two main candidates are Karen Bass, a local member of Congress, and Rick Caruso, a billionaire real estate developer. Caruso is running mainly on a platform of getting tough on crime² and fixing the homeless mess. He's gonna build build build homeless shelters; ...continue reading "As usual, California’s latest homeless initiative is widely hated"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years ago
This is a teaching flight at Cable Airport in Upland, California. We were up there visiting Marian's aunt in the hospital, and when we were done we took a quick trip by the airport to see if there was anything to take pictures of.
Kevin Drum

Does higher income inequality produce higher crime rates?

2 years ago
As you may have heard, Los Angeles is undergoing a rash of unusual crimes. Gangs from South LA have been sending crews specifically to target rich people, tailing them from fashionable hotels, restaurants and clubs and then stealing their watches and purses. At first glance, this might not seem mysterious. For one thing, it's been ...continue reading "Does higher income inequality produce higher crime rates?"
Kevin Drum