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Kevin Drum 🕸

Chart of the day: The inequality of life expectancy by income

2 years 1 month ago
It's a well-known fact that in the United States rich people have much longer life expectancies than poor people. Much of this is attributed to our private health care system, which does a lousy job of treating the uninusured and underinsured. That got me curious: do other countries with national health care systems do better? ...continue reading "Chart of the day: The inequality of life expectancy by income"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: Colonialism in modern space exploration

2 years 1 month ago
From Doug Johnson, writing about the need for indigenous voices in the search for extraterrestrial life: Other trappings of colonialism have ended up in modern space exploration. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos wore a cowboy hat before his spaceflight, for example. In all, if anyone out there is looking, said Shorter, humanity isn’t necessarily putting its ...continue reading "Quote of the day: Colonialism in modern space exploration"
Kevin Drum

Pedophiles are the new socialists

2 years 1 month ago
Oh ffs: It's bad enough that half of all Republicans think Democratic leaders run child sex-trafficking rings, but 21% of Democrats think so too. So why are they still Democrats, anyway? In any case, thanks conservative media! It's good to see that you're on the job as always.
Kevin Drum

The Great Resignation was neither great nor a resignation

2 years 1 month ago
Remember the Great Resignation? Fed economist Bart Hobijn says there's nothing to it: The labor market recovery since the depth of the COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020 has been the fastest in postwar history....At the same time, the share of workers quitting their jobs—either to take new jobs or to exit the labor ...continue reading "The Great Resignation was neither great nor a resignation"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

2 years 1 month ago
Last year I posted a snippet of the Colosseum in Rome that was taken about an hour before dawn. The combination of yellow lighting and dark blue sky was both gorgeous and dramatic. This picture was taken at the same time, but it's a straightforward shot of the entire structure. It looks surprisingly small! I ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

Rupert Murdoch is “the most dangerous man in the world”

2 years 1 month ago
From Brian Stelter: In a forthcoming book, a pair of New York Times reporters and CNN political analysts report that President Joe Biden "assessed" Fox News "as one of the most destructive forces in the United States." The reporters, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, say that Biden was even more critical of Fox Corp patriarch ...continue reading "Rupert Murdoch is “the most dangerous man in the world”"
Kevin Drum

How’s the latest release of oil from the SPR doing so far?

2 years 1 month ago
A few days ago I looked at historical releases of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and concluded that they didn't have much effect on crude oil prices. So how's the latest announcement doing so far? Everyone seems to have forgotten that President Biden first opened the SPR on March 1 after he and other ...continue reading "How’s the latest release of oil from the SPR doing so far?"
Kevin Drum

Yet another look at inflation: NGDP level targeting

2 years 1 month ago
I've become a little obsessed with our inflation crisis, and yesterday evening I ran into a tweet about our old friend NGDP. This is nominal GDP—i.e., not adjusted for inflation—and there's a small cadre of economists who believe that this, not interest rates, is what the Fed should target. A common proposal is to target ...continue reading "Yet another look at inflation: NGDP level targeting"
Kevin Drum

Ingraham: Disney will be crushed for opposing us

2 years 1 month ago
Ladies and gentlemen, behold the modern conservative movement: Ingraham: When Republicans get back into power, Apple and Disney have to understand one thing: Everything will be on the table, your copyright/trademark protection, your special status in certain states, and even your corporate structure itself… pic.twitter.com/7kKhPH07Rs — Acyn (@Acyn) April 2, 2022 This is the kind ...continue reading "Ingraham: Disney will be crushed for opposing us"
Kevin Drum