a Better Bubbleโ„ข

Kevin Drum ๐Ÿ•ธ

Lindsey Graham wants more civilian casualties in Gaza

9 months 2 weeks ago
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin must be doing something right. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R–LetGodSortItOut) has lost confidence in him. Amazingly—even for Graham—all Austin said was that Israel should do more to protect civilians in Gaza or else risk driving Palestinians "into the arms of the enemy." That's it. You'd think even Graham would acknowledge the pragmatic ...continue reading "Lindsey Graham wants more civilian casualties in Gaza"
Kevin Drum

Keeping up with COVID

9 months 2 weeks ago
Have you been keeping up with the latest COVID variants? Let's review: January 2023: Omicron XBB 1.5 becomes dominant. July: Two variants, EG.5 and FL.5.1, dubbed FLips because of their specific mutations, become prominent. October: HV.1, a mutation of EG.5, becomes prominent. Now: JN.1, nicknamed Pirola, starts to appear. It isn't prominent yet, but it's ...continue reading "Keeping up with COVID"
Kevin Drum

BREAKING: Congress funds the military every single year

9 months 2 weeks ago
The federal government's fiscal year began two months ago and Congress still hasn't passed a defense appropriations bill. But it's not too late: Lawmakers in both parties contend that, as speaker, Johnson is committed to passing a final bill and continuing the over six-decade streak of defense legislation becoming law each year, even if it ...continue reading "BREAKING: Congress funds the military every single year"
Kevin Drum

Israel and its enemies

9 months 2 weeks ago
Adolf Hitler was famously voted into power and then appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933. There would not be another German election for more than a dozen years. We all know how this went: Germany started a war in 1939 which the Allies eventually won, killing about 3% of Germany's civilian population in the process. ...continue reading "Israel and its enemies"
Kevin Drum

Friday Cat Blogging โ€“ 1 December 2023

9 months 2 weeks ago
Boxes come and go around here. Some get used for a while and some are one-hit wonders. Who knows why? But through it all, this box is everyone's favorite. It's been sitting next to the sofa for many years and will probably stay there for many more.
Kevin Drum

Who did COVID better, California or Florida?

9 months 2 weeks ago
Over at the Washington Post, Philip Bump questions Sean Hannity's claim that both California and Florida have suffered about the same death rate from COVID-19: “Both your states, with such different approaches, which is pretty fascinating, were both lower, significantly lower than the national average,” he said. “These numbers come straight from the [Centers for ...continue reading "Who did COVID better, California or Florida?"
Kevin Drum

Republicans apparently think Republicans can never be subpoenaed

9 months 2 weeks ago
If you want to see the difference between Democrats and Republicans in action, just consider the issue of congressional subpoenas. In the House, Republicans have subpoenaed Hunter Biden to provide testimony in a case where there's no evidence whatsoever of any wrongdoing. Nonetheless, Biden has agreed to testify and has asked only for the hearing ...continue reading "Republicans apparently think Republicans can never be subpoenaed"
Kevin Drum

Trump knifed Kevin McCarthy over obsession with expungement

9 months 2 weeks ago
Kevin McCarthy has long been a loyal foot soldier for Donald Trump, but when House Republicans were preparing to oust him from the speakership Trump was nowhere to be found. McCarthy called Trump to ask why he hadn't offered any support: During the call, Trump lambasted McCarthy for not expunging his two impeachments and not ...continue reading "Trump knifed Kevin McCarthy over obsession with expungement"
Kevin Drum

Quote of the day: Twitter and its sponsors

9 months 2 weeks ago
From Elon Musk, asked what he thinks about companies that have stopped advertising on Twitter in response to antisemitic comments—including one of his own—posted a couple of weeks ago: Go fuck yourself. Musk is once again demonstrating his keen understanding of the business world here. Advertisers don't like having their ads appear next to hate ...continue reading "Quote of the day: Twitter and its sponsors"
Kevin Drum

New study suggests no effect of the Internet on mental health

9 months 2 weeks ago
A friend sent me an item for the "Pollyanna Drum" file today. It's a study of mental health and the internet, and its basic insight is that internet penetration has been different in different countries. So if we track measures of mental health along with levels of internet usage, we should be able to tell ...continue reading "New study suggests no effect of the Internet on mental health"
Kevin Drum

CBS News recycles crude Republican propaganda

9 months 2 weeks ago
CBS News runs the following headline today: Americans need an extra $11,400 today just to afford the basics This is hardly news. Every month Republicans release a report telling us how much inflation is costing the average family—without, of course, bothering to tell us how much the average family's income has gone up. And sneaky ...continue reading "CBS News recycles crude Republican propaganda"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

9 months 2 weeks ago
Two views of the Château Gaillard, overlooking the Seine in Les Andelys. The top view was taken on our way out from Paris; the bottom view was taken on the trip back.
Kevin Drum