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Kevin Drum 🕸

Lunchtime Photo

10 months 1 week ago
A couple of days ago a fire broke out at one of our historic World War II blimp hangars. By the time it was over the entire east side had been gutted. The two top pictures show what it looked like on the day after. The bottom picture shows the hangar in better days (the ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

We are once again a week away from a government shutdown

10 months 1 week ago
We are, once again, a week away from shutting down the government unless Congress passes a continuing resolution that, um, allows things to continue. Newly minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is the key player here: Some lawmakers say the most plausible scenario is that Johnson puts a relatively clean CR on the floor, ...continue reading "We are once again a week away from a government shutdown"
Kevin Drum

Citibank hates Armenians?

10 months 1 week ago
Via Atrios, I see that Citibank has been fined for discriminating against.......Armenians: Citi treated Armenian Americans as criminals who were likely to commit fraud. From at least 2015 through 2021, Citi targeted retail services credit card applicants with surnames that Citi employees associated with Armenian national origin as well as applicants in or around Glendale, ...continue reading "Citibank hates Armenians?"
Kevin Drum

Effectively banning abortion just isn’t popular, even in red states

10 months 1 week ago
Ohio, these days, is a solidly red state. And yet, yesterday Ohioans went to the polls and approved an abortion rights initiative by 57-43%. What gives? The answer is simple, but maybe not obvious. Last year Ohio passed a law (currently in court) that bans abortion after six weeks. This is effectively a complete abortion ...continue reading "Effectively banning abortion just isn’t popular, even in red states"
Kevin Drum

Workplace injuries up by 100,000 in 2022

10 months 1 week ago
Bad news! The number of workplace injuries increased from 2.2 million in 2021 to 2.3 million in 2022. However, the rate of injuries stayed the same: The most dangerous occupation in 2022 was transportation and warehousing. Finance had the fewest injuries:
Kevin Drum

New cars will soon have technology to prevent drunk driving

10 months 1 week ago
The nanny state is at it again: 🚨 The federal government has mandated that all vehicles sold after 2026 must have a kill switch that can disable your vehicle based on your driving performance. My amendment to defund that unconstitutional mandate failed tonight. Here is the roll call:https://t.co/YWufj9BuMv — Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) November 8, 2023 ...continue reading "New cars will soon have technology to prevent drunk driving"
Kevin Drum

Democrats sweep the election

10 months 1 week ago
And that's that. In Virginia, Democrats have maintained control of the State Senate and flipped control of the House of Delegates away from Republicans: That makes tonight nearly a clean sweep for Democrats. Among major races, Republicans won only the governorship of Mississippi, and that was never really in serious doubt.
Kevin Drum

Election results looking favorable for Democrats

10 months 1 week ago
Ohio voters have decided to put a right to abortion in their constitution. Kentucky voters have reelected their Democratic governor. A Democrat won the Pennsylvania race for its Supreme Court. The Virginia legislature is still up for grabs. Texas voters are merrily voting for every single initiative on the ballot except for one that would ...continue reading "Election results looking favorable for Democrats"
Kevin Drum

New paper suggests online services are worth $5,000 to the average American

10 months 1 week ago
A team of researchers released a paper recently (here) that tries to quantify how much different digital services are worth to their users. For example, here's the relative value of nine different services: Google search was the top service, beating out even meeting your friends in person. TikTok, oddly, has a low value despite its ...continue reading "New paper suggests online services are worth $5,000 to the average American"
Kevin Drum

Lunchtime Photo

10 months 1 week ago
As we were driving up Highway 160 to Durango a few weeks ago we could see the Ship Rock in the far distance. Ship Rock is an "iconic and religiously significant Navajo Nation monadnock that rises over 1,500 ft into the air," but from a distance I remarked that it looked like the Emerald City ...continue reading "Lunchtime Photo"
Kevin Drum

A brief comparison of Donald Trump’s America vs. Joe Biden’s

10 months 1 week ago
During Donald Trump's presidency crime skyrocketed. Mental illness among teens soared. In Charlottesville racists and Proud Boys rioted. American soldiers continued to be killed in an Afghanistan war that seemed endless. North Korea tested new missiles that could reach the US mainland. Foreign leaders fretted that America could no longer be trusted. Thousands of Trump ...continue reading "A brief comparison of Donald Trump’s America vs. Joe Biden’s"
Kevin Drum

Supreme Court looks ready to ban guns from domestic abusers

10 months 1 week ago
Last year the Supreme Court ruled that gun restrictions are constitutional only if they are based on America's "historical tradition" of firearm regulation. So how about a law that bans gun ownership by people who are subject to restraining orders for domestic violence? The Fifth Circuit Court, home of conservative wet dreams, naturally ruled that ...continue reading "Supreme Court looks ready to ban guns from domestic abusers"
Kevin Drum

Is it time to put “To Kill a Mockingbird” out to pasture?

10 months 1 week ago
A few days ago the Washington Post ran a story about some high school teachers in Washington state who wanted to stop teaching To Kill a Mockingbird. It all started when one of the teachers was listening to a podcast: The Black hosts of the show joked that “Mockingbird” ranked with Confederate monuments as something ...continue reading "Is it time to put “To Kill a Mockingbird” out to pasture?"
Kevin Drum