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Ann Dettmer and Colleen Scott on Water Conservation

9 years 11 months ago


Ann Dettmer, Communications Manager of the Missouri American Water Company, and Colleen Scott from the Missouri Department of Conservation, discuss the struggles to conserve water in a society where an abundance of clean water is taken for granted.

Sen. Kraus on tax cuts, photo ID and secretary of state race

9 years 11 months ago
The Politically Speaking podcast team – Jason Rosenbaum and Jo Mannies – this week welcomed state Sen. Will Kraus, R-Lee’s Summit and a 2016 candidate for Missouri secretary of state. But first, the duo joined Jefferson City correspondent Marshall Griffin in commemorating the late state Auditor Tom Schweich, who died last Thursday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A memorial service is to be held Tuesday at his church in Clayton. Schweich, intense and candid, was willing to challenge those within his own party on some issues, which made him a maverick at times. Griffin also recalled Schweich’s hobby of collecting Hollywood memorabilia.

Laura Carroll on Overpopulation

10 years ago


Laura Carroll, co-author and editor of the second edition of Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World, dissects the global population boom and what a lack of action could mean for the rest of our environment.

Lark Rodman on Ecological Revival

10 years ago


Lark Rodman discusses her community-building work with Sadhana Forest in India, Haiti, and Kenya. Sadhana Forest aims to help rural villages develop a more sustainable environment through methods like cultivating food forests and restoring stripped-down lands back to the thriving ecosystems they once were.

Snorkel Bob on Reef Libre

10 years 1 month ago


Robert Wintner, known as Snorkel Bob, discusses the subject of his new book Reef Libre: Cuba - The Last, Best Reefs In the World. Bob explains how Cuba's reefs are some of the very few reefs in the world left untouched by the outside world, and how we can protect this rare gem.

Michael Sorth on Community Gardening

10 years 1 month ago


Michael Sorth, Executive Director of Gateway Greening, discusses the rise of community gardens in St. Louis and making the practice more accessible with the upcoming Community Gardening Summit.