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Snorkel Bob on Reef Libre

10 years 1 month ago


Robert Wintner, known as Snorkel Bob, discusses the subject of his new book Reef Libre: Cuba - The Last, Best Reefs In the World. Bob explains how Cuba's reefs are some of the very few reefs in the world left untouched by the outside world, and how we can protect this rare gem.

Michael Sorth on Community Gardening

10 years 1 month ago


Michael Sorth, Executive Director of Gateway Greening, discusses the rise of community gardens in St. Louis and making the practice more accessible with the upcoming Community Gardening Summit.

Keaveny Lays Out State Senate Agenda, Criticizes Governor

10 years 3 months ago
After a Thanksgiving hiatus, the Politically Speaking podcast team is back in the saddle. And this week, we welcome state Sen. Joe Keaveny, D-St. Louis, who will be the new Senate minority leader when the General Assembly goes back into session in January. Originally published on Dec. 4, 2014.

Rep.-Elect Lavender Discusses Long, Long Road To The Missouri House

10 years 3 months ago
The Politically Speaking podcast crew this week welcomes a woman who’s literally one of a kind: state Rep-elect Deb Lavender, D-Kirkwood. A physical therapist, Lavender appears to have set a modern-day record in the state by running four consecutive times for the same legislative post before winning.  She lost bids in 2008, 2010 and 2012 to then-incumbent Rick Stream, R-Kirkwood. Originally published on Nov. 19, 2014.