a Better Bubble™


TedX Talks: Remixing Art, Music & Technology

2 years 10 months ago
Raven Fox is a projectionist in the 21st century, where he enjoys painting the surroundings through lights - be it weathered textures or living and breathing surfaces of the environment. His aim through these light projections is to unite the community and create a gateway for social interactions with a touch of fun. Check out the full video on TedXStLouis.
EQ Community Network

ICYMI: Retail Food Logistics Platform Joins Chipotle Accelerator

2 years 10 months ago

Eyeing expansion, Foodshed.io becomes one of the eight companies participating in the Chipotle Luminaries Project - a startup accelerator that provides mentoring and coaching.

Foodshed became a part of St. Louis Yield Lab’s accelerator cohort in 2019, whereas they are currently aiming for national expansion.

A marketing and logistics platform has been developed to assist retailers and institutional buyers in sourcing produce from independent and local growers.

Check out the full story by Nathan Rubbelke on STL Inno.

St. Louis Inno