a Better Bubble™


How St. Louisans Inspired, And Subsidized, Hemingway

3 years 5 months ago
In his book “Hemingway’s St. Louis: How St. Louisans Shaped His Life and Legacy,” Andrew J. Theising argues that many of Ernest Hemingway’s great adventures have roots in St. Louis. He explains how Hemingway's three St. Louis-born wives and their family fortunes helped to launch the novelist.

Maybe in Memphis

3 years 5 months ago
  Jim Green, ex-con and government snitch, says he and his buddies from the Bootheel took part in the plot to kill Martin Luther King Jr. Trouble is nobody believed him and now he’s dead. by C.D. Stelzer A version of this story was first published in the Riverfront Times (St. Louis) May 9, 2001. […]

Meeting St. Louis’ Incoming And Outgoing Youth Poets Laureate

3 years 5 months ago
In January, shortly after poet Amanda Gorman inspired the nation with her reading at President Joseph Biden’s inauguration, St. Louis' outgoing youth poet laureate, Sarah Abbas, and the city’s next poet laureate, Grace Ruo, shared their hopes for bringing written and spoken words to bear on society.

Dave Schatz (2021)

3 years 5 months ago
Senate President Pro Tem Dave Schatz returns to Politically Speaking to talk with St. Louis Public Radio’s Jason Rosenbaum and Jaclyn Driscoll about a host of issues the Missouri General Assembly could take up in the second half of the 2021 session.

‘It’s Just Incredibly Frustrating’: Voter-Approved Medicaid Expansion Now Faces Uncertain Fate In Missouri

3 years 5 months ago
Republicans in the Missouri House this week declined to fund the expansion of Medicaid. To their colleagues across the aisle, including state Rep. Peter Merideth, D-St. Louis, the GOP arguments in recent days against funding the change haven’t made much sense. In this conversation, Merideth, the ranking minority member of the House Budget Committee, offers his sense of recent developments and where this battle may be headed next.

Cody Smith (2021)

3 years 5 months ago
On the latest episode of Politically Speaking, House Budget Chairman Cody Smith talks with St. Louis Public Radio’s Jason Rosenbaum and Jaclyn Driscoll about this year’s budget process — which has drawn more attention than usual because of the battle over expanding Medicaid. Smith represents Missouri’s 163rd District, which takes in parts of Jasper County. The Cartharge Republican has served as chairman of the powerful Budget Committee since the 2019 legislative session.

Global Freshwaters Summit April 19-23

3 years 5 months ago

Here at the confluence of the fourth largest watershed on Earth, most St. Louisans don't connect with our big rivers - or our community tributaries - beyond an occasional public event. How to  help us relate to the value, needs and health of our waters? Convening presenters from local, DC and global advocacy groups, this is the Global Freshwaters Summit's intent.


Organizer Laura Madden grew up in St. Louis on Coldwater Creek, now notoriously contaminated by radioactive waste. From a visit here with DC colleague and friend Myra Jackson, these women have rallied colleagues in environmental and social action, coordinating a virtual event hosted by the Missouri Historical Society around their landmark "Mighty Mississippi" exhibit. 

Conference sessions and a film festival take place April 19-23, on Zoom. Registration is free. Overflowing the banks of "normal" Earth Week events, this summit aims to Change In One Generation how we humans relate to freshwater resources - and each other.

THANKS to Andy Heaslet, Earthworms Engineer, with a shout-out to Andy Coco and Jon Valley, KDHX production staff.
Related Earthworms Conversations:

Related Earthworms Conversations: Mighty Mississippi Exhibit with curator David Lobbig (Dec 2019) 

Living with Rivers: Big Muddy MO (Feb 2019)


Earth Month - St. Louis Style

3 years 5 months ago

Earth Day, April 22, is one of the most widely observed dates on this planet. For enviro-advocates, this celebration has become Earth Month: starts in March, runs to May.


This is way true for the folks of EarthDay-365, celebrating virtually again this year in St. Louis. Executive Director Dr. Jess Watson, and Bob Henkel, Director of Programs. Earthworms host Jean Ponzi knows Jess and Bob as colleagues and friends, so this preview of a month of social action, learning, engagement and fun comes from heart, hands and eco-logic intertwined.

Give a listen, get involved! Happy Earth Month to you!

THANKS to Andy Heaslet, Earthworms engineer, and to Andy Coco and Jon Valley, the KDHX production team.

Related Earthworms Conversations:
Earth Day: History of a Genius Event with Adam Rome (May 2018)

Meet CC Ice, The Missouri Native Making ‘WandaVision’ Stunts Possible

3 years 5 months ago
For the past four years, CC Ice has been helping Elizabeth Olsen portray the Marvel superhero Wanda Maximoff, assisting the actress with everything from flying to fight scenes as her stunt double. That work culminated in the January 2021 premiere of “WandaVision," which focuses on Wanda’s corner of the Marvel universe. For Ice, who grew up in Barnhart, Missouri, it’s been a thrill watching fans devour a show starring the character she’s spent years developing.