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‘Radio Resistance’ Explores Connection Between Activism In St. Louis And The World

3 years 6 months ago
Stories of Resistance at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis includes video, photography, drawing, sculpture and painted installations by 19 artists. It also includes the museum’s first podcast, “Radio Resistance.” Among those featured will be Congresswoman Cori Bush, activist and professor emeritus Harry Edwards and Harvard professor and author Walter Johnson.

George H. W. Bush - Fox Park Speech

3 years 6 months ago
President George H. W. Bush gave a campaign speech in Fox Park back in 1992. Crime was on his mind. I summarized the parts of his speech with local interest.
Mark Groth

Dogtown Is Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, Without The Crowds

3 years 6 months ago
For the second year in a row, COVID-19 is putting the kibosh on the St. Patrick's Day parade and Irish festival that typically bring crowds of revelers to the vibrant St. Louis neighborhood. But the Dogtown community is still going green this week, finding creative and cautious ways to celebrate Ireland’s patron saint — while also raising funds for what organizers anticipate will be a return to traditional festivities in 2022.

Vote On The Coolest Thing Made In Illinois

3 years 6 months ago
For the second year in a row, the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association is highlighting the state’s diverse manufacturing sector with a bracket-style tournament. The Makers Madness contest started with 311 nominees. After nearly 140,000 votes, eight products are now vying to be declared the state’s coolest.

City Justice Center Gets A Close Look — And ‘Urgent’ Recommendations — After Feb. 6 Riot

3 years 6 months ago
Last month, more than 100 detainees at the St. Louis Justice Center revolted, attacking a guard, smashing windows and setting fires to protest their living conditions. The detainees held a floor of the jail for nearly seven hours. Now a new task force, created to investigate conditions in the jail, has released a report that seeks to explain what went wrong and what it will take to fix it.

Barbara Washington

3 years 6 months ago
The Kansas City Democrat talks about her thought on the 2021 session, including a bid to remove the residency requirement for the Kansas City Police Department.

Notice of Public Meeting on April 5th

3 years 6 months ago
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, April 5th, 2021, 5:30 PM, the Soulard Community Improvement District (the “District”) will hold a public meeting to consider and act upon the matters on the following tentative agenda and such other matters as may be presented at the meeting and determined to be appropriate for discussion at that […]
Soulard CID Communications

Monday, March 15, 2021 - Missouri Expands Vaccine Eligibility

3 years 6 months ago
Missouri residents who the state says “keep the essential functions of society running” are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. That includes educators, child care providers and critical infrastructure workers. Also, more students are returning to schools today.

Bottle Rockets - A Fond Farewell

3 years 6 months ago
Earlier this month I learned of the retirement announcement from Brian Henneman, lead singer and main songwriter for the Bottle Rockets. After 28 years, they leave behind an incredible discography and so many great live shows. Here are some thoughts on their impact on us.
Mark Groth

Roy Blunt

3 years 6 months ago
U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt talked about his decision to not seek re-election with St. Louis Public Radio's Jason Rosenbaum.