Dr. Denise Hooks-Anderson and her family will relocate to the East Coast in the coming months. Fortunately, the beloved doctor, active throughout the St. Louis metro area, a trusted advisor and friend to so many, will continue to offer her…
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 5:00 PM, the Soulard Community Improvement District (the “District”) will hold a public meeting to consider and act upon the matters on the following tentative agenda and such other matters as may be presented at the meeting and determined to be appropriate for discussion at […]
This week, our first place winner on the insightful side comes in the form of a reply that builds on the second place winner. So for clarity’s sake, we’ll present them in reverse order! In second place, it’s Stephen T. Stone with a piece-by-piece reply to yet another comment on our post about how Twitter […]
It's been a bit of a slow blogging week around here. On Monday I had a four-hour infusion. On Tuesday I met with my oncologist and then had a long lunch with a friend. On Wednesday I had my fourth—and hopefully last—eye adjustment. Thursday was crash day. Friday was also crash day. And then Saturday ...continue reading "Only in death does Trump part"