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Last Landlord & Rehabber training and support for tenants

3 years 10 months ago

On October 27, the last Landlord and Rehabber Training of 2020 was hosted jointly by TGNCDC, North Newstead, and the Vacancy Collaborative.  Nuisance Abatement and Eviction was the session topic. Speakers shared alternatives to eviction, provided an overview of the City's problem properties unit, explained the eviction process, and outlined the eviction moratorium due to COVID-19. You can request access to the video at this link until Nov 10th, review the handouts, and fill out a post-video survey for a chance to win a $50 gift card, sponsored by TGNCDC.

If your tenants are behind in rent due to Covid-19, help them complete the CARES Act application for rent assistance.  Be proactive!  There is supplemental information required for the application that only the landlord can provide. Rental assistance payments are sent directly to the landlord.  Here are Covid-19 Resources for Housing Providers and Renters.

The Landlord & Rehabber training series is funded by a HUD Community Development Block Grant via the St. Louis Community Development Administration.

Dana Gray

News Update: Greater St. Louis, Inc.

3 years 10 months ago

Contact: Laurna Godwin lgodwin@vectorstl.com 314-210-8115 St. Louis Private-Sector Led Economic Development Organizations Agree to Combine to Drive Inclusive Economic Growth Greater St. Louis, Inc. Will Double-Down on Commitment to Job Creation & Equity ST. LOUIS, October 29, 2020 – In a transformative move designed to drive inclusive growth for St. Louis with a unified voice, a […]

The post News Update: Greater St. Louis, Inc. appeared first on Downtown STL.

Dominic Vaiana

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - Governor Mike Parson Seeks Full Term

3 years 10 months ago
Republican incumbent Mike Parson is stating his case to stay in the Governor’s office. He’s been the state’s chief executive since Eric Greitens resigned in 2018. Parson is expected to defeat state Auditor Nicole Galloway on Election Day, although not by as big a margin as previously anticipated.

Daydream #386

3 years 10 months ago
The latest dream is related to Mississippi River cruises and docent led stops off the beaten path when reaching St. Louis.
Mark Groth

No on Amendment 3 (Sean Soendker Nicholson)

3 years 10 months ago
Sean Soendker Nicholson, who is leading the campaign to defeat Amendment 3 on the Nov. 3 ballot, is the latest guest on Politically Speaking. Nicholson talked with St. Louis Public Radio’s Jason Rosenbaum about why voters should reject the measure that overhauls Missouri’s state legislative redistricting system.