ROXANA - It has been more than two years since Roxana Junior High has had a full-blown drama production because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, but this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the drama department unveils "The Addams Family Young@Part." The production is a shorter musical for elementary, middle schools, and youth theatres. Members of the cast are Emma Martin, Troy Rahn, Talan Blumenstock, Savion Hall, Ari Walker, Sadie Jackson, Laney Meadows, Landon Smith, Gianna Visser, and Evan Bazell. Director Brittany Sasser said she is so excited to finally have a full-blown Jr. High musical back on the stage at Roxana Jr. High School. Performance dates are at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $4 for students and $7 for adults. Debbie Bunt Bacus, the assistant director, said it has been a challenge because many of the students have not participated in theatre or viewed it because of the pandemic, but it has been very rewarding to watch them grow. "We are really
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