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New York State Embraces Community Broadband

2 years 9 months ago
We’ve noted for a long time how data makes it clear that, contrary to claims by telecom monopolies, community broadband networks are hugely beneficial. They generally offer faster speeds at lower prices with better customer service than regional monopolies, and they also tend to push said monopolies to try a little harder to compete on […]
Karl Bode

Magical Jon Hamm Helps Blues to Victory in Anaheim

2 years 9 months ago
The magic of Jon Hamm was on full display Sunday night when the St. Louis Blues  played the Anaheim Ducks. The Blues were down 2-0 in the first period. At the start of the second, Hamm joined Bally Sports Midwest announcers John Kelly and Darren Pang in the booth.
Rosalind Early

Tending pea patches: Senators add dozens of small items for districts to Missouri state budget

2 years 9 months ago

Conservative Cassville Republican Emory Melton, a state senator from 1973 to 1997, didn’t like it when new programs with ongoing costs ended up in Missouri’s budget.  “There’s nothing that approaches eternal life on this earth like a government program,” he told an oral history interviewer in 1996. But when fellow Missouri lawmakers tapped the treasury […]

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Rudi Keller

Kansas City police feel heat after Eric Greitens posts campaign video showing ride along

2 years 9 months ago

After former Gov. Eric Greitens used its facilities as a prop for a campaign video, the Kansas City Police Department this weekend tried to blunt criticism it is playing political favoritism. On Friday afternoon, Greitens tweeted a 15-second video telling followers that he was getting ready for a ride along with Kansas City Police Department […]

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Rudi Keller

Edwardsville Man Continues 50-Year Crusade To Remove Propane Tanks Near Homes

2 years 9 months ago
EDWARDSVILLE - Edwardsville resident Kenny Krumeich has been on a long-time campaign to remove propane tanks that rest at the corner of First Avenue and Longfellow in his city. This is how Kenny tells the story: "In 1967 the City of Edwardsville awarded a variance to a gas company to place adjacent to a quiet neighborhood. How this got on First Avenue and the corner of Longfellow, you must go back to the start. "It started at the Edwardsville City Planning Commission which heard the request of Skelly Oil Company (Skelgas) for a variation to store 60,000 gallons of flammable material on 1 lot on First Avenue and corner of Longfellow. On August 24, 1967, the city council, Alderman Abert made a motion (seconded by Alderman Kreiuter) to approve the 60,000 gallons of flammable material placed to be placed on First Avenue and Longfellow. "They were to have someone present in the office six days a week. This was the original agreement when Skelgas requested this variance.

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Here’s the new strongmen. The same as the old strongmen. There’s no backing down | Opinion

2 years 9 months ago

As a college history major, I have always followed the motto society needs to learn from history lest we are doomed to repeat it. Now, almost 40 years after earning that degree, I find a great deal of the history we need to learn from is not what is recorded in textbooks but things that […]

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Ray Landis