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What The New Science Of Authenticity Says About Discovering Your True Self

2 years 9 months ago
THE CONVERSATION - After following a white rabbit down a hole in the ground and changing sizes several times, Alice finds herself wondering “Who in the world am I?” This scene, from Lewis Carroll’s “ Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ,” might resonate with you: In a world that’s constantly changing, it can be challenging to find your authentic self. I am a social psychologist , and over the past few years, my colleagues and I have been conducting research to better understand what it means to be authentic. Our findings provide some valuable insights that not only shed light on what is meant by authenticity – a somewhat vague term whose definition has been debated – but can also offer some tips for how to tap into your true self. What is authenticity? In “ Sincerity and Authenticity ,” literary critic and professor Lionel Trilling described how society in past centuries was held together by the commitment of

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Promoting Health and Wellness Amongst Animals and Humans: Veterinarians Celebrate Healthy Pet Month

2 years 9 months ago
SPRINGFIELD – Every pet owner wants to make sure their beloved companion animal is healthy and receives appropriate and humane healthcare essential to long life. The connections people have with their pets are vital links to unconditional love, support, and overall well-being. April is Healthy Pet Month and the member veterinarians and certified veterinarian technicians of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association (ISVMA) want to remind pet owners of the importance of preventative and annual health care for any companion pet or food animal. “Veterinarians are the vital connection between a pet owner and their beloved companion animal,” says Devon Hague, DVM, ISVMA President, Clinical Associate Professor, Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Service Head, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, University of Illinois. “A veterinarian dedicates themselves to using scientific knowledge and skills to promote public health and

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Flavor your meals with low-maintenance homegrown herbs

2 years 9 months ago
URBANA – Culinary herbs are a favorite of many gardeners. They are easy to grow as they require little care, have few insect and disease problems, and generally prefer moderate fertility levels. In addition, they add fragrance and beauty to the garden. Many herbs such as lavender, sage, and purple basil, are very ornamental and combine nicely in flower or vegetable gardens. “Now is the time to plan what herbs you will plant this spring,” says Jennifer Fishburn, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator. “First consider what herbs you use in food dishes, then consider which herb plants will add texture, color, and fragrance to your garden.” Seeds and plants can be mail ordered and most can be purchased locally. Herbs such as dill, cilantro, and basil are easy to grow from seed. Lavender, rosemary, sage, and thyme are easily grown from purchased plants. “Mint and oregano are easy to divide, so ask a fellow gardener for a start of their

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Illinois State Fire Marshal Awards $2.5 Million In Grants To Illinois First Responders

2 years 9 months ago
SPRINGFIELD - The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) announced the recipients of the 2022 Small Equipment Grant Program. A total of $2.5 million was awarded to 104 fire departments/districts and EMS providers across the state. The program was established to provide grants of up to $26,000 each for the purchase of small firefighting and ambulance equipment. "All communities deserve safety, and this program helps ensure our smaller and rural fire districts aren't left behind when it comes to the tools they need to do their jobs," said Governor JB Pritzker. "I'm proud to be able to provide more than 100 districts with new lifesaving equipment. It's another way we can demonstrate our gratitude for all that they do to help their neighbors live safely." This program is an innovative approach to a problem that has long caused difficulties for fire departments and not-for profit ambulance services in Illinois, particularly those that have hardships in generating the necessary

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Minneapolis Limits No-Knock Warrants As Prosecutors Decide Cop Can’t Be Charged For Killing Amir Locke During A No-Knock Raid

2 years 9 months ago
On February 2, 2022, Minneapolis PD officers executed a no-knock raid on an apartment. Officer Mark Hanneman then summarily executed Amir Locke within seconds of his entry into the apartment. The Minneapolis PD suggested Amir Locke had plenty of time to realize police officers were in the apartment. The body cam time stamps showed something […]
Tim Cushing

Portfolio 41522

2 years 9 months ago
Portfolio 41522 JW Sat, 04/16/2022 - 02:07 Project Dates Sat, 04/02/2022 - 12:00 - Sat, 04/16/2022 - 12:00 Body

sent to the City of St. Louis for a Graphic Designer position.

1st Draft

will add links to the websites and navigation.


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