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Major Case Squad Called In To Investigate Fatal Area Shooting

2 years 10 months ago
COLLINSVILLE - At 4:05 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2022, Maryville Police Department received a call about a deceased subject found in the 2000 block of North Bluff Road, Collinsville. The caller discovered a male subject face down in blood who appeared to have been shot multiple times. The Maryville Police Department requested the Major Case Squad of Greater St. Louis to investigate. Approximately 20 Major Case Squad officers have been actively working leads in the investigation. More information on the case will be released Monday afternoon, Detective Lt. Bryan Bauer of the Madison County Sheriff's Office and Deputy Commander of the Major Case Squad, said.

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New Crazy Bowls and Wraps opens in Wentzville

2 years 10 months ago
WENTZVILLE, Mo. - Crazy Bowls and Wraps opened in Wentzville Monday morning. Wentzville Mayor Nick Guccione posted photos of the ribbon-cutting to his Facebook page. He said the restaurant "is now open to the public enjoy." The new location is at 1570 Wentzville Parkway. The store had a soft opening Monday and will officially be [...]
Monica Ryan

Godfrey Officials Advise Community About Upcoming Multiagency Hazardous Materials & Mass Casualty Exercise March 25

2 years 10 months ago
GODFREY - Multiple area agencies are teaming up to coordinate and conduct a large-scale HazMat mass casualty exercise in Godfrey for first responders this week. Godfrey’s Public Safety Administrator and L&C Campus Emergency Management Consultant Chris Sichra has joined forces with Lewis and Clark Community College’s Incident Management Team, Nursing Program and Campus Safety Department, along with the Godfrey Fire Protection District, Madison County Emergency Management Agency, Alton Memorial Hospital EMS, AVEC and the Madison County Hazardous Materials Team to conduct an upcoming multiagency exercise. The drill will begin around 9 a.m., Friday, March 25 th and should run until 12:30 p.m. Response operations activity will primarily be limited on the college’s Godfrey campus near the Hatheway Cultural Center. Local surrounding traffic should not be affected. Residents and motorists should not be alarmed to see multiple agencies and emergency vehicles operating nearby

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Havoc, Debut Novel from Pre-Teen Local Author, Combines Romance, Action, Magic and an Evil Way of Thinking

2 years 10 months ago
LINCOLN, IL – A twisted tale of romance, action, and amnesia, all to save the Kingdom and Prince from sure peril. Witty comebacks, well-placed puns, and an evil way of thinking abound in this debut novel. All from the mind of an 11-year-old local new author, already drawing high praise from accomplished writers with many tales told. E.G. Keith is no stranger to fantasy fiction, as evidenced by the stacks of books at home and an obsession with Greek mythology. Now she has turned her passion into her debut novel, Havoc , a young-adult fantasy fiction written far beyond its years. “I have never really found one (fantasy novel) written so well by someone so young. I’m really kind of amazed,” central Illinois author John Jamison says ahead of the release of Havoc . Havoc tells the story of the Prince of Buit, missing for a year before teens in two summer camps with magical powers – known as Magics – set out to save him. One, Ashlyn Kave, was saved

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Federal Court Says Good Faith Prevails In Deployment Of Extremely Questionable ‘Reverse’ Warrant

2 years 10 months ago
“Who are we to judge?,” say federal court judges. That’s the questionable conclusion reached by an otherwise solid reading [PDF] of the constitutional implications of one of law enforcement’s favorite new tools: “reverse” warrants. (h/t Orin Kerr/Volokh Conspiracy) They’re called “reverse” warrants because the paperwork asks Google to turn over location info on everyone in […]
Tim Cushing

Alton Sewer Separation Project Update

2 years 10 months ago
Illinois American Water’s work to separate the Alton combined sewer system and install new sanitary sewers continues. Below is information about this week’s road closures – Mar. 21, 2022 Piasa Valley Area: Surface restoration work should start soon on 6th Street and is progressing on 7th Street. Alby Street is closed from 6th Street north to 10th Street, with the intersection of 9th Street open. 8th Street east of Alby is closed to Easton Street, with the closure to George Street. upcoming. Access to Schwegel’s Market parking lot is from the north currently but access will be shifting to coming in from the south via 9th Street this week. Access will be maintained to the parking lot, with closures shifting. Please drive cautiously. 10th Street. between Alby and Easton Street is two-way traffic only temporarily. East of Easton Street is still only one way traffic. Turner Tract Area: Danforth Street pavement restoration will be starting soon. The alley

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Nelly seen disrespecting the Cardinals in Dodgers jersey

2 years 10 months ago
ST. LOUIS - If Nelly says he's proud to be from the Lou, then why did he have on a LA Dodgers jersey? The Los Angeles Dodgers posted photos of the St. Louis rapper on Twitter. He appeared to be all smiles while taking batting practice. Nelly fans and Cardinals fans were equally shocked by [...]
Monica Ryan

Avocates Pushed Back Against Ameren Missouri's Rate Increase to Secure Expansions of Low-Income Programs, Other Priorities

2 years 10 months ago

St. Louis, MO – Two recent orders from the Missouri Public Service Commission helped mitigate the impact of Ameren Missouri’s recent rate increase for struggling families. Ameren Missouri, the state’s largest electric utility, filed for a $299 million rate increase that would have added $12 per month to the average electric bill. A coalition of consumer groups and energy efficiency advocates pushed back against the rate increase, lowering it to $220 million and securing a collective set of priorities that will help the most vulnerable families who have experienced severe utility debt and disconnections as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

As a result of a settlement, Ameren Missouri must expand its “Keeping Current” program, which helps lower-income families reduce their utility debt and maintain service, doubling its budget from $2 million to $4 million per year, with Ameren’s shareholders contributing half. Ameren must also add May and September and expand program eligibility to 300% of the Federal Poverty level to reflect greater demand for utility assistance. Additionally, despite large commercial/industrial customers’ stance that residential customers should pay a larger share, the PSC determined that the rate increase will be apportioned equally.

Jackie Hutchinson with the Consumers Council of Missouri was one of the advocates pushing for expansions to the Keeping Current program, along with other priorities. Hutchinson stated: “This increase in Keeping Current/Keeping Cool Funding helps us protect the health and safety of our most vulnerable residents, those over 65 living on limited fixed incomes and low-income families with children 5 and under. It also expands our ability to serve families with higher income who struggle to pay due to high energy burdens.” 

The settlement also commits Ameren to: 1) launching a new “Critical Needs” pilot program to deliver focused assistance to individuals living with certain medical conditions; 2) launching a rehousing pilot program which will use existing bill assistance resources in order to rehouse individuals and families and return their utility service; 3) reducing late fees to 1% per month; 4) maintaining the monthly residential customer charge at $9, rather than a proposed increase; and 5) collecting and sharing aggregated customer usage data with stakeholders for use in a study on energy burdens across Ameren’s territory.

This settlement and the community support it now includes are the direct result of the collaboration of Missouri community advocates, which included: the Missouri Energy Efficiency for All coalition, Consumers Council of Missouri, Legal Services of Eastern Missouri, Homes for All St. Louis, and others. The group’s demands were voiced at local public hearings and in written public comments submitted by renters and advocates who insisted that their pandemic hardships be met with equitable solutions. For more information about how customers can seek assistance through the Keeping Current program and other opportunities, please refer to the Missouri Utility Assistance Guide posted here.

Ella Gross

Elsah Museum Opens 2022 Photography Exhibit

2 years 10 months ago
ELSAH - The Village of Elsah Museum announces the opening of the Village of Elsah Museum for the 2022 season with its annual photography exhibit on Saturday, April 2 at 1 pm. The purpose of the exhibit is to celebrate and foster an appreciation of the beauty and unique qualities of the Village. The exhibit theme is “Elsah Postcard.” The judge was Erica Popp, an artist and photography teacher. She commented on the high quality of the submitted images. She felt that the winner gave a clear message encouraging winter visitors to come to Elsah and see the Eagles. The exhibit awards include the annual Village of Elsah purchase prize, four special recognitions and a youth prize. The Village of Elsah Purchase Prize is for “Welcome to Elsah” by photographer, Patricia Ott of Godfrey, Illinois, below. The purchase prize photograph will be part of the Village of Elsah Museum’s collection. As the winner of the Village of Elsah Purchase Prize, Ms. Ott will also receive

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Lewis and Clark Events Calendar March 19-31, 2021

2 years 10 months ago
For current information regarding Lewis and Clark Community College’s operations during the pandemic, please visit lc.edu/coronavirus . Recurring event: Alton Area Tax Project: 5-7 p.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays; 10 a.m.-noon, Saturdays, Templin Nursing Building, NU201, Lewis and Clark Community College, 5800 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey. Appointments are required. Visit https://AltonAreaTaxProject.com/appointment or call (314) 292-9597. 3/18-19 – AMP Dance Competition: noon, Friday; 7 a.m., Saturday, Hatheway Cultural Center, Lewis and Clark Community College, 5800 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey. info@ampdancecompetition.com . 3/23 – Brown Bag Event, Cool Brass, Bi-State Brass Quintet: 12:30 p.m., Ringhausen Music Building, Lewis and Clark Community College, 5800 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey. (618) 468-4731. 3/24 – Early Bird Registration/Tour, Alton High School : 8:30 a.m., Trimpe 141, Lewis and Clark Community College, 5800 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey. Sign-up at https://www.lc.edu/earlybird

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