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Republicans renew push to make it harder for voters to amend Missouri constitution

3 years 1 month ago

After years of watching Missouri voters amend the state constitution to raise the minimum wage or legalize medical marijuana, Republican lawmakers are once again pushing to make the initiative petition process harder.  A measure sponsored by Rep. Mike Henderson, R-Bonne Terre, would ask voters to increase the number of signatures needed for initiative petitions to […]

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Rebecca Rivas

International Institute of St. Louis Announces Initiatives to Support Afghan Immigrants

3 years 1 month ago

St. Louis may be getting thousands more Afghan immigrants as a second wave of migration begins, and the International Institute of St. Louis is calling on the community to help make it possible.

Jerry Schlichter of Arch Grants announced in a press conference today that the International Institute already has plans in motion to help Afghans feel more welcomed, but they also need St. Louisans to participate in a four-pronged approach.

Schlichter was joined by the president of the International Institute Arrey Obenson, Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski, Afghan community member Modja Sidiqi and the CEO of Schnuck Markets, Inc Todd Schnuck to talk about the plan as the federal government looks to relocate Afghan families and individuals that are on military bases by the end of next month.

“Today is a call to action,” Schlichter said at the conference.…
Jenna Jones

Gannett to stop Saturday print editions at 136 newspapers, including Springfield News-Leader

3 years 1 month ago
The nation’s largest newspaper chain is discontinuing Saturday print editions starting March 5 at more than half of its newspapers nationwide, saying it will instead offer “new, additional benefits” including expanded access to online editions. Gannett Co. Inc. (NYSE: GCI) told staff in an email on Wednesday that it is “introducing a new Saturday experience in 136 of our markets which transitions from delivering the Saturday print edition to providing exclusive access to the full Saturday…
Don Seiffert

St. Louis Region Positioned to Help Address Ongoing Supply Chain Crisis

3 years 1 month ago

Recent webinar highlights the need for alternatives to congested coastal ports to relieve the supply chain disruption impacting the nation The World Trade Center St. Louis recently hosted a webinar discussing the ongoing national supply chain crisis and the role the St. Louis region can play in helping to alleviate it for businesses and consumers. The event featured a panel […]

The post St. Louis Region Positioned to Help Address Ongoing Supply Chain Crisis appeared first on St. Louis Regional Freightway.
